China trying to Break the Dollar & Spike Gold?

China trying to Break the Dollar & Spike Gold?

So if you want to get over fear to get Over anxiety you need to know what's Getting to you psychologists and even Yoda will tell you that you need to name Your fear in order to overcome it well…

Macron Reveals A Shocking Split In The West - Is Europe Breaking Out?

Macron Reveals A Shocking Split In The West – Is Europe Breaking Out?

Macron is picking up and Europe is Beginning to wake up now we are now Seeing cracks forming in the Western Alliance and when macron visited the Netherlands he doubled down on his Comments about France staying neutral on The…

Shocking Data Shows A Horrific Recession Is Coming | Bank Of America's Deadly Warning

Shocking Data Shows A Horrific Recession Is Coming | Bank Of America’s Deadly Warning

The damage has been done and the economy Is still hitting for recession so we Have a very ominous warning from a big Bank telling us that the Federal Reserve Has done too much damage and there's no Stopping the…

Is This The End Of The US Dollar? | What You NEED To Know

Is This The End Of The US Dollar? | What You NEED To Know

Hey everybody welcome back to whiteboard Finance my name is Marco and I'm here to Help you master your money and prepare For the changing of the economic guard Uh so we're going to be talking about is This the…

Coin shop owner wisdom on LOW PREMIUM silver

Coin shop owner wisdom on LOW PREMIUM silver

The refiners do not want to melt these Or those nickels because there's too Much waste so under 80 percent silver They're just not interested would you be Able to Um show me an example of maybe what you Would…

Gold Price and the (Eventual) Death of the Dollar

Gold Price and the (Eventual) Death of the Dollar

So inflation came in at five percent and Five percent is better than five point One percent that was expected so as I'm Recording this All the knees are jerking so far they're All jerking up So it's a strange…

The Fed's Plan to End Money - Robert Kiyosaki, @GeorgeGammon

The Fed’s Plan to End Money – Robert Kiyosaki, @GeorgeGammon

The Dollar’s Decline Can’t Be Stopped | A Return To Gold Is IMPOSSIBLE

The Dollar’s Decline Can’t Be Stopped | A Return To Gold Is IMPOSSIBLE

The dollars in Decline and not even gold Can save it and we know the Dollarization is accelerating fast and Lots of big moves happen over just the Last two weeks we had Russia committing To using the Yuan as…

Is Now the Time to Buy Gold?

Is Now the Time to Buy Gold?

So gold pulled back a little bit and if This is the sign that we've been waiting For well It's not a very big sign So we're seeing a little bit of a price Pull back today it's probably just…

How To Cut Your Food Bill By 50% Right Now

How To Cut Your Food Bill By 50% Right Now

People are under this misconception that Simply preparing your meals at home is Going to automatically save you a ton of Money while this is mostly true where You're buying your groceries has a huge Impact on the amount of…

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