5 Silver Stacking or Silver Investing Myths Exposed

5 Silver Stacking or Silver Investing Myths Exposed

What's up YouTube Silver dragons here And in this video I want to share with You five myths surrounding silver these Have to do with silver stacking or Silver investing now if you're new to Precious metals or if you've…

BREAKING SILVER NEWS! Silver Rally Stops Bank Shorting Silver

BREAKING SILVER NEWS! Silver Rally Stops Bank Shorting Silver

Silver is rallying so hard right now That a particular Bank who is shorting Silver heavily actually had to back out Of their position because they were Losing way too much money this is Craziness and this is not just…

2023, the Year for SILVER w/ Lior Gantz

2023, the Year for SILVER w/ Lior Gantz

Yeah I thought what you were saying There was that silver was gonna make a Run and then everything went dark oh it Froze for like a minute Well let's start over [Music] So 2022 ended up being a pretty…

Should I Buy Silver Coins, Silver Bars, Junk Silver, or Silver Rounds? BEST SILVER NOW

Should I Buy Silver Coins, Silver Bars, Junk Silver, or Silver Rounds? BEST SILVER NOW

Welcome to Silver Pros sponsored by Bullion Max I'm your host silver dragons And I'm joined by my co-host Yankee Stacking what's up Yankee how you doing My friend doing good really excited Today we're talking about the best Silver…

What is the Future for Silver? Bright or Dark Days Ahead??

What is the Future for Silver? Bright or Dark Days Ahead??

What Happens Next & What Gold to Buy Now

What Happens Next & What Gold to Buy Now

So we have a price rally in Gold we have A little bit of a gut punch for premiums And the question that keeps coming up is What should we be buying now I think we Have some good options…

EVERYTHING Just Changed for Gold and Silver

EVERYTHING Just Changed for Gold and Silver

Okay so we have some fun price movement On the metals to take a look at so we're Going to do that we're gonna actually Look at it I mean Like actually look at it So people tend to be…

Something WEIRD is Happening With Silver RIGHT NOW

Something WEIRD is Happening With Silver RIGHT NOW

What's up YouTube Silver dragons here And today I want to talk about something Really weird that's going on in the Precious metal space so today silver and Gold prices have moved up however we Just got the inflation numbers…



What's up YouTube Silver dragons here And in this video I want to talk about Something big that may be brewing for Gold and silver and this is in relation To another alternative investment uh but Here's the thing I…

Silver Premiums Are Getting INSANE! (How to Avoid Them)

Silver Premiums Are Getting INSANE! (How to Avoid Them)

What is going on with silver premiums Right now I mean you've got to be Kidding me with some of the premiums We're seeing on certain silver items We're going to talk about how bad Premiums have gotten in this…

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