Get Ready for Hard Times - Buying Gold

Get Ready for Hard Times – Buying Gold

Get ready for hard times it's something That I've heard said before it sounds Pretty ominous it's a little bit like Prepare for the worst it's not really Meant to be that the worst is coming or Hard times are…

Coin Shop Owner Exposes TRUTH About Silver and Gold

Coin Shop Owner Exposes TRUTH About Silver and Gold

Everything Just Changed for Gold & Silver - Watch What Happens

Everything Just Changed for Gold & Silver – Watch What Happens

Before You Buy a SINGLE OUNCE of Silver - Silver Stacking Tips 2023

Before You Buy a SINGLE OUNCE of Silver – Silver Stacking Tips 2023

What's up YouTube Silver dragons here And in this video I'm going to be Showing off some silver coins that I Recently purchased but I also want to Talk about silver stacking in general Because I know there's a lot…

US MINT FAIL - This Silver is Not Worth it in 2023

US MINT FAIL – This Silver is Not Worth it in 2023

The United States Mint is dead to me They're failures so far in 2023 are so Absolutely egregious I am pulling the Plug the U.S mint was already on life Support in my eyes but now it's over so I…


I think we are going to see silver price Move down over the next few days based On what Powell says if the totality of The data were to indicate that faster Tightening is warranted we'd be prepared To increase…

ALERT! Silver Price Volatility Inbound - Where is Silver Price Headed?

ALERT! Silver Price Volatility Inbound – Where is Silver Price Headed?

What's up YouTube Silver dragons here And in this video I want to give you an Overview of where I see silver going Over the next few weeks we've already Seen Silver Price move down 23 cents Today however I…

Everything Has Changed for Gold and Silver in 2023 - New Plan

Everything Has Changed for Gold and Silver in 2023 – New Plan

So we're going to talk about 2023 gold Buying Over drinks The weekend here so Allow me to start this one off a little Bit differently my wife got me the Smoking box About a year ago we had a…

Buying Silver to Get Gold - Does the GSR Make Sense?

Buying Silver to Get Gold – Does the GSR Make Sense?

Will silver ever correct to historical Gold ratios I don't know what that is 50 To 1 15 to 1. this is what 15 to 1 would Look like And this is what some people are Suggesting that GSR will…

Silver Premiums Are Down - NOW WE STACK HARD

Silver Premiums Are Down – NOW WE STACK HARD

What's up YouTube Silver dragons here And in this video I'm so excited to be Unboxing some more silver to add to my Stack I'm gonna talk about what I got But also where I got it from because I…

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