Every successful business owner has the best people on his team #shorts
And I want the smartest attorneys Accountants bookkeepers Bankers Politicians I come out as a team just Think about this you know it's like a Basketball team they're playing Basketball but you went to Harvard you Have a masters a…

Are you investing for cashflow or capital gains? 💸
For me I wanted to be financially free Because as long as I was dependent upon Somebody else whether it's a job and a Boss or Robert my husband or my family For my financial life I would never be…

Just follow the money, and the tax incentives 🧠💡
And nothing we do is illegal is it Kenny No gosh no no the the IRS basically Tells you where to put your money the Tax code is a Bible that says this is What you can and can't do…

The shift that made Kim Kiyosaki RICH. #shorts
And my dad was in Corporate America and He was in sales and I was always taught Get the pay raise if I'm working an Hourly rate work more hours raise my Hourly rate it was always focused on Making…

In the world of investing your college degree doesn’t matter 👩🎓 📜 #shorts
Banker doesn't care what college he went To Anchor doesn't say what was your Grading point average back wants to see A financial statement and upper right Corner there is auditor auditor is Blockchain I am audited all the time…

15 PROFITABLE Business Ideas You Can Start With $0.00 In Late 2022
I can still remember the first business That I started with zero dollars and Truth be told it taught me more than Anything else that I've done since then For me it was using my dad's push mower To start…

Have Western Sanctions Destroyed Russia’s Economy? Here’s The Truth
So is Russia on the brink of Colette are Sanctions working now he has been almost Eight months since the start of Ukraine War and the West imposing brutal Sanctions but it's not clear if Russia's Economy has been crushed…

INVESTING GAME PLAN FOR 2023 – Market Mondays w/ Ian Dunlap
What is your investing game plan for 2023 I think 2023 will be like in a Rebound year I think we'll be good I'm Gonna go a lot heavier On the buying I plan to at least double Or triple…