CHEVRON HAS A RECORD BREAKING 2022 - Market Mondays w/ Ian Dunlap

CHEVRON HAS A RECORD BREAKING 2022 – Market Mondays w/ Ian Dunlap

[Music] Uh Chevron Chevron has a record-breaking 2022. Profits were 35 billion for the year Well their historic run continue in 2023 Chevron nobody's ever talking about Chevron that's the that's the crazy Thing about it like who's ever talking…

WHAT ARE 3 WAYS TO STOP OVERTRADING - Market Mondays w/ Ian Dunlap

WHAT ARE 3 WAYS TO STOP OVERTRADING – Market Mondays w/ Ian Dunlap

[Music] So let's get into this what are three Ways to stop over trading so you can Make more money In 2023 Yes I think I was talking to a brother Earlier and he was like Hey I'm having An…

DIGITAL ONLY RESTAURANTS - Market Mondays w/ Ian Dunlap

DIGITAL ONLY RESTAURANTS – Market Mondays w/ Ian Dunlap

So many restaurants are beginning to Test digital only restaurants and Probably won't be McDonald's but like Burger King Taco Bell Jack in the Box uh In and Out Burger I can see them making A switch to put in…

3 WAYS TO STOP OVERTRADING - Market Mondays w/ Ian Dunlap

3 WAYS TO STOP OVERTRADING – Market Mondays w/ Ian Dunlap

One of three ways to stop over trading So you can make more money in 2023 so Number one you have to pick a person Ideally your significant other Um or someone that you're really close To and share your…



Intel shares fall sharply on a quarterly Loss uh what are our thoughts they are On life support the high of intel was in 2000 75 83 was a high in 2022 it got to 64 bucks since then it…

LESS IS MORE - Market Mondays w/ Ian Dunlap

LESS IS MORE – Market Mondays w/ Ian Dunlap

Yeah like ideally on a monthly basis you Shouldn't take more than I mean eight Trades maximum if you really want to Have a high win rate four would be great One trade a week is amazing uh fellas Put…

BREAKING UP GOOGLES MONOPOLY - Market Mondays w/ Ian Dunlap

BREAKING UP GOOGLES MONOPOLY – Market Mondays w/ Ian Dunlap

[Music] Can we talk about the Department of Justice that wants to break up Google's Monopoly while Amazon Uber and others Are getting into the ad game how do we Think this will play out so what's the Deal with…

CHAT GPT IS THE IPHONE OF A.I. - Market Mondays w/ Ian Dunlap

CHAT GPT IS THE IPHONE OF A.I. – Market Mondays w/ Ian Dunlap

Charity BT is the iPhone of AI right now Chad GPT is a clear leader I think we're Just seeing more automation to to drive The workforce down and get to that goal Uh and now I said it on…

TYRE NICHOLS - Market Mondays w/ Ian Dunlap

TYRE NICHOLS – Market Mondays w/ Ian Dunlap

[Music] Do you want to go into this now or I do yeah let's do it now so the Tyree Nichols let's talk about this um first And foremost Rest in peace Um to him And um you know prayers…

POLICE BRUTALITY - Market Mondays w/ Ian Dunlap

POLICE BRUTALITY – Market Mondays w/ Ian Dunlap

[Music] I've never seen a union boss act Responsible because I remember you had a Student that got killed by cops well They aren't allowed to that's the other Part of it yeah when they killed he was Your student…

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