Silver is doing something it has NEVER done before
Welcome to Silver Pros sponsored by SD Bullion I'm your host silver Dragons I'm Joined by my awesome co-host Yankee Stacking what's up Yankee oh thanks so Much I am super stoked to be here yes It's such a great…
Robert Kiyosaki – WARNING a Crash is Coming! BUY SILVER NOW
What's up YouTube Silver dragons here And in this video I'm going to unpackage Some silver that I recently picked up It's silver coins I want to show you What I bought and talk about why I Picked what I…
SILVER SHORTAGE 2023 – Is the World Running Out of Silver?!?
What's up YouTube Silver dragons here I'm really excited to be talking once Again to Lee or Gantz the founder of Wealth research group how you doing leor I'm doing great done happy to be here Awesome yeah happy to…
Is This the End of the PETRODOLLAR? Will Gold and Silver Save You?
What's up YouTube Silver dragons here And in this video I want to talk about The Petro dollar right now the US dollar Is the world's Reserve currency and oil Is priced in dollars basically around The world however Saudi…