Tag: buying gold

Record Gold Demand – Did You Get Some?
2022 was the strongest year for gold Demand in over a decade It's because we've been buying it all Right So the world gold Council just released A little bit of data 2022 was the Strongest year for gold demand…

1000% Gain Selling Silver 🚀 Here’s What Happened
You can play the gold to Silver ratio Swap back and forth maybe win some free Gold you can wait for that Silver Moon Shot or you can sell your silver invest That capital in something else and then Take…

How Did Silver and Gold Perform in 2022 Compared to Everything Else?
What's up YouTube Silver dragons here And today is the last day of 2022 so I Want to wish all of you a very happy and Prosperous new year but because it's the Last day of the year we're going…

This is the Silver and Gold I am Buying RIGHT NOW
What's up YouTube Silver dragons here And in this video I'm going to be doing An old-fashioned silver unboxing also I'll be talking about some gold that I Recently picked up and I will be showing You the new releases…

Buy Gold Before it is TOO LATE!
Welcome to Silver Pros no wait that Doesn't sound right welcome to Gold Pros Sponsored by bullion Max I'm your host Silver dragons and I'm joined by my Knowledgeable co-host Yankee stacking What's up Yankee how you doing SD it's…

Gold Bars in Assay Cards – THE NIGHTMARE CONTINUES
Hey what's up YouTube Silver dragons Here and in this video I'm going to be Talking about the dangers of purchasing Gold bars in these plastic cards these Assay cards now I did a video about two Weeks ago talking…

What's up YouTube Silver dragons here And in this video I want to talk about Something big that may be brewing for Gold and silver and this is in relation To another alternative investment uh but Here's the thing I…

Gold Bars in ASSAY – Be Very Careful
What's up YouTube Silver dragons here And in this video I'm gonna be testing This gold bar to see if it is real or if It is fake now if you have a gold bar That is in one of…