IMPORTANCE OF RELATIONSHIPS – Market Mondays w/ Ian Dunlap
[Music] It was right magic was there so y'all With Jalen shout out to Matthew What are like the three big lessons that You took away from being In the room because we all have a globe When we be…

GET SO HOT NO ONE CAN IGNORE YOU – Market Mondays w/ Ian Dunlap
A lot of times when people are up here They're afraid to reach down because Once they pull you up what if you're not Loyal It happens a lot 2001 I was in grind family Studio Shadow C boy he…

We live in a dysfunctional world, are you prepared to face it? 🌍
And the question I ask people if we go Into a depression so I set it up since 1971 when I saw Nixon take the dog the Goals did it and I started getting Smarter so I'd say I don't…

DOCUMENTARIES TO WATCH – Market Mondays w/ Ian Dunlap
[Music] Check out number one is call icons Documentary you can check that out on HBO Max Um I would argue with our without car Icon and for those who don't know trap Told us when he was on uh…

APPLE ANNOUNCES INSURANCE COMPANY IN 2024 – Market Mondays w/ Ian Dunlap
And what's up You guys tell me sliding in was Different so I had to bring them back This week I appreciate you guys so much Please tell me what was the biggest Lesson that you picked up from last…

How to Make Custom Silver Coins – Custom Silver Coin Minting Process
What's up YouTube Silver dragons here And today I'm so incredibly excited to Be talking to the legend himself hi ho Silver how are you doing my friend I hope I'm doing great it's really cool To talk to you…

And 2024 Apple has announced that they Will launch an insurance company the Next Evolution for Apple since they have Dominated the consumer space obviously Is B2B or Enterprise Facing project but if you're looking at The evolution of Apple…