Ukraine Demands The Unthinkable: Sanctions On China & India

Ukraine Demands The Unthinkable: Sanctions On China & India

So the sanctions nightmare isn't over And it could get much worse now Ukraine Is asking the United States to do the Unthinkable day one sanctions imposed on China and India so we have a top Ukrainian lawmaker calling for…

Why Central Banks Are Hungry For Gold: 55-Year Record Smashed!

Why Central Banks Are Hungry For Gold: 55-Year Record Smashed!

Central banks are buying gold like never Before and an incredible 55-year record Has been broken right what we are seeing Is not just a fear of inflation but a Fear of the dollar that is driving this So we…

BRICS 2023 Agenda - A New Reserve Currency To Change The Game

BRICS 2023 Agenda – A New Reserve Currency To Change The Game

China’s Crushing The Dollar With Gold - The PetroYuan Plan

China’s Crushing The Dollar With Gold – The PetroYuan Plan

China's buying more gold and they're Telling the whole world about it now we Have to understand how groundbreaking These announcement is because it is a Battle Cry it is part of China's agenda To take down the dollar this…

2023 Will Be Economic Hell - 6 Things We Must Watch

2023 Will Be Economic Hell – 6 Things We Must Watch

So 2022 has been an insane year about Buckle up guys because 2023 is going to Get even crazier now just this year Alone we have seen groundbreaking events That has flipped the world economy on Its head and it's…

The Dollar Is Doomed - Saudi Arabia Wants To Join BRICS

The Dollar Is Doomed – Saudi Arabia Wants To Join BRICS

Saudi Arabia has said enough they want To join brics the economic Powerhouse That could challenge the West now if This is true the US Dollars doomed and The end is coming the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia MBS spoke…

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