Is This the End of the PETRODOLLAR? Will Gold and Silver Save You?
What's up YouTube Silver dragons here And in this video I want to talk about The Petro dollar right now the US dollar Is the world's Reserve currency and oil Is priced in dollars basically around The world however Saudi…

If I Could Only Have One Gold Coin #shorts
If I could only have one gold coin Something that I had to go out and buy Something I don't already have my choice Would be a lot different than what I Would choose if I was just getting Started…

Why Cash is Trash in 2023 – Robert Kiyosaki, Jim Clark, Charles Goyette
(upbeat music) – [Narrator] This is "The Rich Dad Radio Show." The good news and bad news about money. Here's Robert Kiyosaki. – Hello, hello, hello, Robert Kiyosaki, "The Rich Dad Radio Show." The good news and bad news about…