If I Could Only Have One Gold Coin #shorts

Forex GOLD Investor

If I could only have one gold coin Something that I had to go out and buy Something I don't already have my choice Would be a lot different than what I Would choose if I was just getting Started If I was planning to buy them over and Over so if it had to be just one today I Would pick 33 Double Eagle now this Particular Double Eagle it's Liberty Head and I prefer that to the Saint God And stubble Eagle some people don't But it's a little bit of a weird choice For me last year I would have picked Something modern or at least semi-modern I probably would have said the 2009 Ultra high relief double eagle And I do prefer a lot of coins Aesthetically speaking I can think of a Dozen from the Perth Mint but this one Has interesting history represents gold When it was actual usable money here in The United States And it just looks really cool now if That's not what you were expecting or You wanted a different answer well Just ask again next week [Music] It's way too hard to pick just one

Forex GOLD Investor

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