Tag: early retirement

Seth Stephens-Davidowitz On What Data Matters For Retirees – Retire Sooner Highlight
What would you encourage what data would You encourage them to really look take a Hard look at what matters you talked About what matters When we pick a spouse even though we Don't look at it what matters if…

The Happiest Activity According To Seth Stephens-Davidowitz – Retire Sooner Highlight
What what is that you actually talk About the ultimate thing in the world When it comes to like pure happiness is What tell our audience I said the Data-driven answer to life is being with Your love on an…

Seth Stephens-Davidowitz’s Study On Happy Activities – Retire Sooner Highlight
I actually did a study of my friend Spencer Greenberg we took these 40 Activities and we just asked people to Rank how happy they thought people they Thought they made people and we can Compare okay these are how…

Do Looks Matter? According To Seth Stephens-Davidowitz – Retire Sooner
It's kind of sad just how much looks Matter in like every dimension of life So there's a study I find this sad I Don't know if other people if I said That you try to predict who Rises at…

Seth Stephens-Davidowitz On What Makes People Happiest – Retire Sooner
A lot of things that make it tend to Make people unhappy are things you kind Of have to do in the maintenance of life So working it for example uh this is Kind of depressing working was the Second…

Data On Parenting From Seth Stephens-Davidowitz – Retire Sooner
You have data around making us a good Parent and I don't even know how you how Do we even measure how what do you say Is good how to even measure that yeah so That's another area where I…

Burton Malkiel On The Two Times To Be Right – Retire Sooner Highlight
Sure the market gets it wrong from time To time but there is nobody And I mean this nobody who can Consistently Do better than the market and the the Market usually gets it fairly right and Is awfully hard…

Burton Malkiel On What To Do In Your Sixties – Retire Sooner Highlight
There's no one rule you can't simply say Oh if you're in your 60s you do this It'll depend on what your assets uh are Uh and it will also depend upon whether Or not you can take the inevitable…

Burton Malkiel On Efficient Markets – Retire Sooner
So let's maybe start with the efficient Markets and what that really means for Investors What it basically means is that Information gets reflected in prices uh Reasonably quickly uh that uh you know If there's A new cure for…