Tag: buying silver bars

Were These Silver Bars a Good Deal? Uncovering the Mystery
I am excited to share with you the intriguing story of uncovering the mystery behind whether these silver bars were truly a good deal. Join me as I delve into the details, armed with curiosity and determination to decipher the…

Local Coin Shop Owner INVITES ME BEHIND COUNTER – Massive Silver Sales
Do you think most people right now are Trying to buy like is it less people Have you noticed coming in to sell yeah So 95 to 96 is going out the door really Yeah everyone's buying yeah everybody's Buying…

Coin shop owner wisdom on LOW PREMIUM silver
The refiners do not want to melt these Or those nickels because there's too Much waste so under 80 percent silver They're just not interested would you be Able to Um show me an example of maybe what you Would…

Coin Shop Owner Talks About MASSIVE Silver Demand
That's why when people say to me gee I'd Love an ounce of gold Harry but I'm Gonna I don't want to pay these prices And I my answer is I understand however Next week these may look like a…

Before You Buy a SINGLE OUNCE of Silver – Silver Stacking Tips 2023
What's up YouTube Silver dragons here And in this video I'm going to be Showing off some silver coins that I Recently purchased but I also want to Talk about silver stacking in general Because I know there's a lot…

Should You GO BIG With 100 oz Silver Bars?
When it comes to buying physical silver Should you go big should you buy these 100 ounce silver bars or should you just Stick with the smaller stuff like one Ounce silver rounds what is better What's going to be…