PRESERVATIVES – Market Mondays w/ Ian Dunlap
When I go to Mexico the preservatives That are in the food that I eat there Are not present in the food that I have In the United States so yes we have to Make Delicacies out of parts that…

TRADING & PERSONAL LIFE – Market Mondays w/ Ian Dunlap
[Music] Oh yeah I was asking I was going to ask About uh yeah the red panda yeah because Um I know you were saying like yeah you From Jersey you know I want to know you Know I'm shooting…

Invest where your money is treated best – Millennial Money – Alexandra Gonzalez
Foreign [Music] This primary election cycle has not been Without drama and luckily it's almost Over political uncertainty can have a Ripple effect on various parts of the Economy and many people are already Feeling what economists are predicting That…

Could China’s Protests Force A Reopening? Here’s The Truth
So by now we all know what's going on in China there have been Mass protests on The streets calling for the end of the Chinese government and more importantly For the lockdowns to end and we have to Discuss…

[Music] A record-breaking year For life insurance payouts Um a hundred billion dollars was paid Out in 2021 From life insurance companies to Beneficiaries so um that is actually an 11 jump from 2020 which represented the Largest year-over-year increase…

The formulas and investing are all the Same man like if you just apply your Formula for when I'm going to buy and That won't multiple I'm going to exit That applies for private Equity Real Estate your flips wholesaling…

CURRENT STATE OF THE MARKET – Market Mondays w/ Ian Dunlap
[Music] Um but my question is about Um the current state of um Of the market Um you know I'm thinking about you know Whether I should I should um Go in more you know I know you guys talk…

FINANCE & HEALTH – Market Mondays w/ Ian Dunlap
[Music] Playing for the future because you're Going to be over a lot longer than You're gonna be younger but I'll ask you This based on your expertise in the Field and being in the field for over 13 Years…

BEST LONGTERM STOCKS TO INVEST IN – Market Mondays w/ Ian Dunlap
Demise sharing 10 stocks are investing For long term they're really like 10 Core stocks that I like so vo Apple Microsoft Google United Healthcare Johnson and Johnson Striker Eli Lilly Tesla Visa ABV McDonald's Procter and Gamble Starbucks now…

APPLE IS AN INDEX FUND – Market Mondays w/ Ian Dunlap
Apple in itself is an index fund if I Told you like every company on earth That is upscale pays me 30 why would you Not want to invest in me Epic games is a better platform than Twitter if…