Why Central Banks Are Hungry For Gold: 55-Year Record Smashed!

Why Central Banks Are Hungry For Gold: 55-Year Record Smashed!

Central banks are buying gold like never Before and an incredible 55-year record Has been broken right what we are seeing Is not just a fear of inflation but a Fear of the dollar that is driving this So we…

BRICS 2023 Agenda - A New Reserve Currency To Change The Game

BRICS 2023 Agenda – A New Reserve Currency To Change The Game

Russia’s Victory In Soledar Is A Reality Check For The West

Russia’s Victory In Soledar Is A Reality Check For The West

You know I think for months now we have Been hearing that Russia was on the Brink of defeat right the sanctions are Draining their warches dry and put Things on the verge of surrendering well In a sudden Twist…

China’s Crushing The Dollar With Gold - The PetroYuan Plan

China’s Crushing The Dollar With Gold – The PetroYuan Plan

China's buying more gold and they're Telling the whole world about it now we Have to understand how groundbreaking These announcement is because it is a Battle Cry it is part of China's agenda To take down the dollar this…

Russia’s All In With Gold & Yuan - Putin's Breaking Away From The West

Russia’s All In With Gold & Yuan – Putin’s Breaking Away From The West

The dollars facing a revolt and 2023 is Going to be a year of great change now We now have Russia taking further steps To decouple completely from the west and They are not going to stop the Russian Finance…

The Next Gold Rush Will Shock The World - Bank Calls For $3,000 In 2023

The Next Gold Rush Will Shock The World – Bank Calls For $3,000 In 2023

Gold prices are going to sell and it Could even reach three thousand dollars In 2023. now this is a ball prediction By saxo bang and if you investigate Further it really isn't a crazy forecast Now it's obvious that…

How Russia Could Revalue Gold & Break The West

How Russia Could Revalue Gold & Break The West

So Russia could break the west and Putting could do it with a strategic Revaluation of gold now we have Zoltan Posa the sage of Wall Street the Macroeconomic legendary Credit Suisse Outlining a scenario of how this could Cause…

EU Moves To Confiscate Russian Assets | This Changes Everything

EU Moves To Confiscate Russian Assets | This Changes Everything

So if you think the sanctions on Russia Are over you'll be solely mistaken the EU is about to pull a very controversial Move it's a really bold sanction that Could destroy any trust left in the Western Financial system…

Canada Has ZERO Gold Reserves - This Is A Big Mistake

Canada Has ZERO Gold Reserves – This Is A Big Mistake

Almost every central bank today they own Gold from the United States to China and Russia there's a global understanding That gold is true money and it is the Ultimate store of value and for the last Decade central banks…

This Debt Disaster Won’t End - Most Will Be Slaves To Inflation

This Debt Disaster Won’t End – Most Will Be Slaves To Inflation

So things are really bad and we're going To reach a point of no return in this Debt crisis now a lot of us we are Focused on the rate hikes Russia Ukraine And Saudi Arabia but we are forgetting…

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