Tag: retire sooner

Analyzing Housing Market Trends With Mindy Jensen – Retire Sooner
So you're you're always seeing the Market because you're in real estate the I guess I would just say now for most People if you're a first time home buyer And you're just looking for a home to to Buy…

Building Bigger Pockets with Real Estate Investing and Smart Money Moves with Mindy Jensen
So I can't wait to talk to you about Real estate I've got a hundred questions Mindy and I want to die yeah you how Many answers do you have for that a Thousand okay there we go see that's…

When You’ve Achieved Your Retirement Goals With Mike Bellah – Retire Sooner Highlight
I'm even noticing by the way that There's kind of a first part of Retirement and I need to write some time About stage two I think I'm in Retirement 201 now the the 70s are Different than the 60s…

“Creativity” Is An Important Word In Retirement With Mike Bellah – Retire Sooner Highlight
And you know what I I put that in Because I thought it made a good title But but uh turns out it's maybe the most Important word in there yeah Um because part of the success in Retirement is…

The Importance Of Rebalancing In Retirement With Mike Bellah – Retire Sooner
I'm even noticing by the way that There's kind of a first part of Retirement and I need to write some time About stage two I think I'm in Retirement 201 now Events are different than the 60s yeah What…

Right House, Right Price, Right Time With Emily Guy Birken – Retire Sooner Highlight
The right house of the right price will Come at the right time And if it's not the right house it's not The right price it's not the right time Then you don't need to worry about it You're not…

The Budgeting Tools You Need To Be Using With Emily Guy Birken & Joe Saul-Sehy – Retire Sooner
Is there a particular Tech or budgeting Or do you just say Joe go go on on the Web and find a good budgeting tool or do You are there any any places in Particular that you like or you…

Where Does Financial Stress Come From? With Emily Guy Birken & Joe Saul-Sehy – Retire Sooner
What is the stress Prime I mean is it That we're always afraid of running out Of money is it any sort of loss in Capital Hertz is it is it that somebody Messed up before when they were younger…

Dan Sheeks Discusses Details From His Book – Retire Sooner Highlight
I'm going to raise this book up and I Guess if you're listening you're not Seeing it but we're seeing it here Dan's Book is first to a million who who is The is this to a million and how…