US Shutdown CANCELLED, No Money For Ukraine, Economy In Ruins

US Shutdown Averted: No Funding for Ukraine, Economic Crisis Deepens

The deepening economic crisis takes center stage as the US successfully averts a shutdown, but not without dire consequences for Ukraine. With no funding allocated, the already struggling country faces further challenges ahead. The implications are far-reaching as the nation…

The Global Economy Won’t Survive THIS - Russia & Saudi Are Forcing The Unthinkable

The Unthinkable: Russia and Saudi Arabia Force Global Economy to the Brink

Welcome to our blog, where we delve into global economic affairs and keep you informed about the latest developments. Today, we address an unprecedented event that has sent shockwaves through the financial world. In a controversial move, Russia and Saudi…

America Moves To DESTROY The Dollar - In Less Than 3 Days!

America’s Plan to Dismantle the Dollar: A Shocking Revelation in Under 72 Hours

In less than 72 hours, a shocking revelation has emerged concerning America’s plan to dismantle the dollar. With a focus on uncovering the intricate details behind this unprecedented move, this blog post delves into the actions taken by the country…

They SCREWED UP - Markets Puking, Yields Exploding & Inflation Winning

Markets in Turmoil: Understanding the Impact of Inflation and Exploding Yields

Do you find yourself bewildered by the current state of the markets? Are you wondering about the consequences of rising inflation and skyrocketing yields? Look no further, as this blog post is here to help you navigate through these tumultuous…

De-Dollarization Is Driving The End Of U.S. Dominance

How De-Dollarization is Leading to the Decline of U.S. Dominance

De-dollarization is an ongoing trend where countries are reducing their dependence on the United States dollar as a global reserve currency. This shift is causing ripples in the international financial system and could ultimately lead to the decline of U.S.…

How To Survive De-Dollarization | This Is The End Game

Mastering De-Dollarization Survival Strategies: The Ultimate End Game Plan

Welcome to my latest blog post on mastering de-dollarization survival strategies. In this article, we’ll be delving into the ultimate end game plan and exploring the various strategies you can implement to navigate the global shift away from the US…

This $300 Trillion Time Bomb Is Why Inflation Will Never End

This $300 Trillion Time Bomb Is Why Inflation Will Never End

The wall is sitting on a 300 trillion Dollar time bomb and this is the reason Why inflation will never end so we know The U.S they are inching closer towards A debt selling crisis the fear has Reached a…

The Dollar’s Decline Can’t Be Stopped | A Return To Gold Is IMPOSSIBLE

The Dollar’s Decline Can’t Be Stopped | A Return To Gold Is IMPOSSIBLE

The dollars in Decline and not even gold Can save it and we know the Dollarization is accelerating fast and Lots of big moves happen over just the Last two weeks we had Russia committing To using the Yuan as…

China’s Dollar Rebellion Has Gone Global | Why The World Is Breaking Away

China’s Dollar Rebellion Has Gone Global | Why The World Is Breaking Away

The dollar is facing a global rebellion And China is leading this push for the Dollarization they are doing everything They can to return the dollar because That is the real power behind the U.S Economy now China's aim has…

What If America Defaults? - The Doomsday Scenario

What If America Defaults? – The Doomsday Scenario

What if the United States defaults on His debt would it cause the next Great Depression and improve the world economy Right now there's a Titanic battle going On in Washington with the debt ceiling And we have Janet Yellen…

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