Unveiling the Insanity of CBDC Nightmare – Brace Yourself for ‘Total Control’

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Get ready to dive into the world of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) and the harsh reality they may bring. In this blog post, we will take a closer look at the potential downsides of CBDCs and explain why some have dubbed them as a ‘nightmare’. From the threat of total control to the possibility of lost privacy, we will unpack the reasons why many are concerned about the rollout of CBDCs. So, buckle up and brace yourself as we unveil the potential insanity of CBDCs.

Unveiling the Insanity of CBDC Nightmare – Brace Yourself for ‘Total Control’


CBDCs, or Central Bank Digital Currencies are increasingly gaining momentum in the world of finance. As more countries embrace cryptocurrencies, CBDCs are fast becoming the subject of discussion among economists and the general public alike. While some welcome them as a viable alternative to traditional paper money, others fear that they could lead to a more centralized monetary system, giving governments even more control over financial transactions. In this article, we will explore the significance of CBDCs, how they work, and their potential impact on our financial futures.

What are CBDCs?

CBDCs are digital currencies issued by central banks and backed by the government, with the purpose of being used as a legal tender. Unlike cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, which are decentralized and not controlled by a government or financial institution, CBDCs are fully centralized. They are set to become the digital version of a country’s current fiat currency, with the government having complete oversight over all financial transactions that take place using these currencies.

Why are CBDCs so important?

CBDCs are coming, and there’s no escaping this fact. While cryptocurrencies are often seen as a way to bypass traditional financial institutions and the government’s oversight, CBDCs provide the ultimate control and oversight into everything. Any financial transaction made using CBDCs would be monitored and scrutinized by the government, giving it unprecedented power over the economy.

Moreover, there are many benefits of CBDCs, including faster and cheaper payments, increased financial inclusion, and a reduced reliance on traditional banks. Additionally, in times of economic crisis, CBDCs can effectively back up 100% of deposits and make everyone insured.

The Banking Crisis and CBDCs

The banking crisis could propel us closer towards a CBDC future. If the world experiences another banking crisis, it could trigger the need for a new type of monetary system. CBDCs could be the solution that central banks turn to in such a situation, providing enhanced stability and security to the economy. By digitizing currencies, central banks can gain better control of the economy, ultimately preventing future economic meltdowns.

The Power of Centralized Money

With CBDCs, the power of our money will be centralized in a central government. This would mean that transactions would be completely transparent, potentially making it more difficult for money laundering or other illegal activities to go unnoticed. However, on the other hand, it could also mean that personal financial transactions may become public record, which could be a major concern for those who value privacy.

Status of CBDCs around the World

Currently, 11 out of 114 countries have launched CBDCs, and 50 more are under development. This means that the world is swiftly moving towards embracing the digital currency revolution. Inevitably, those who don’t adopt will be left behind.

Preparing for a “True Monetary Reset”

As CBDCs continue to gain popularity, we should prepare ourselves for a “true monetary reset.” The implications of this are significant, and it’s important to be aware of the potential consequences. By staying informed, we can mitigate the impact of this new monetary system, prepare ourselves, and plan accordingly.


As the world continues to embrace digital currencies, CBDCs are becoming an increasingly important part of the global economy. While there are a number of benefits associated with CBDCs, including enhanced stability and security, there are also concerns around the government’s control and oversight over all financial transactions. Inevitably, the world is moving towards CBDCs, and it’s important to be aware of the potential impact this may have on our financial futures.


  1. What is the purpose of CBDCs?
    Ans. CBDCs are digital currencies issued by central banks and backed by the government, with the purpose of being used as a legal tender.

  2. Are CBDCs decentralized like cryptocurrencies?
    Ans. No, CBDCs are fully centralized and controlled by the government.

  3. How many countries have launched CBDCs?
    Ans. Currently, 11 out of 114 countries have launched CBDCs, and 50 more are under development.

  4. Are there any benefits to using CBDCs?
    Ans. Yes, benefits include faster and cheaper payments, increased financial inclusion, and a reduced reliance on traditional banks.

  5. Will CBDCs lead to a more centralized monetary system?
    Ans. Yes, CBDCs will lead to a more centralized monetary system, giving the government more control and oversight over all financial transactions.

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