The Dollar’s Decline Can’t Be Stopped | A Return To Gold Is IMPOSSIBLE

The Dollar’s Decline Can’t Be Stopped | A Return To Gold Is IMPOSSIBLE

The dollars in Decline and not even gold Can save it and we know the Dollarization is accelerating fast and Lots of big moves happen over just the Last two weeks we had Russia committing To using the Yuan as…

Why Central Banks Are Hungry For Gold: 55-Year Record Smashed!

Why Central Banks Are Hungry For Gold: 55-Year Record Smashed!

Central banks are buying gold like never Before and an incredible 55-year record Has been broken right what we are seeing Is not just a fear of inflation but a Fear of the dollar that is driving this So we…

China’s Crushing The Dollar With Gold - The PetroYuan Plan

China’s Crushing The Dollar With Gold – The PetroYuan Plan

China's buying more gold and they're Telling the whole world about it now we Have to understand how groundbreaking These announcement is because it is a Battle Cry it is part of China's agenda To take down the dollar this…

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