Things Just Got Worse! | Massive Escalations Threaten To Unleash The Unthinkable

Massive Escalations Cause Fear of Unthinkable Consequences: Things Just Got Worse!

As the world grapples with an ongoing crisis, recent developments have caused massive escalations and fueled fear of unthinkable consequences. The situation has taken a turn for the worse, leaving many feeling uncertain about what comes next. In this post,…

Inflation Hell Guaranteed - US Debt Deal Has Screwed The World

How the US Debt Deal has Damaged the Global Economy: A Look into the Guaranteed Inflation Hell

The recent US debt deal has sent ripples across the global economy, with experts warning of the potential damage to come. Inflation is one of the most significant consequences, as governments print more money to pay off their debts. In…

How To Survive De-Dollarization | This Is The End Game

Mastering De-Dollarization Survival Strategies: The Ultimate End Game Plan

Welcome to my latest blog post on mastering de-dollarization survival strategies. In this article, we’ll be delving into the ultimate end game plan and exploring the various strategies you can implement to navigate the global shift away from the US…

This $300 Trillion Time Bomb Is Why Inflation Will Never End

This $300 Trillion Time Bomb Is Why Inflation Will Never End

The wall is sitting on a 300 trillion Dollar time bomb and this is the reason Why inflation will never end so we know The U.S they are inching closer towards A debt selling crisis the fear has Reached a…

Investing In Gold: The Masterclass You Need!

Investing In Gold: The Masterclass You Need!

So whether this is your first time Hearing about goal investing or you have Been buying for quite a while this is The master class you need you probably Know that cash is trash and you need to Hatch against…

GOLD STANDARD - Will the USA Ever Go Back on the Gold Standard?

GOLD STANDARD – Will the USA Ever Go Back on the Gold Standard?

What's up YouTube Silver dragons here And in this video I want to talk about The possibility of the United States Going back on the gold standard if you Don't know currently the US dollar is a Fiat currency system…

CPI Disaster - They Are Redefining Inflation Again

CPI Disaster – They Are Redefining Inflation Again

So let's talk inflation we know the CPI Number is a fantasy it doesn't matter if It's five percent or ten percent it Doesn't really reflect what is happening In the real world and to be honest it Feels more…

What If America Defaults? - The Doomsday Scenario

What If America Defaults? – The Doomsday Scenario

What if the United States defaults on His debt would it cause the next Great Depression and improve the world economy Right now there's a Titanic battle going On in Washington with the debt ceiling And we have Janet Yellen…

New Strategies for Inflation, Real Estate, and Volatile Markets - Robert Kiyosaki, Nomi Prins

New Strategies for Inflation, Real Estate, and Volatile Markets – Robert Kiyosaki, Nomi Prins

5 Steps To 0% INFLATION In 2023

5 Steps To 0% INFLATION In 2023

In 2021 the U.S inflation rate was 4.7 Percent compared to just 1.23 in 2020. While the CPI data isn't out yet for December 2022 the latest reading shows Us an annualized inflation rate of 7.1 Percent in 2022 but…

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