The svb collapse has now caused a daily Contagion and everyone is panicking and The big victims are the U.S Regional Banks now we have said many times that The financial system runs on trust and Where that trust evaporates…

SVB Collapse: The Banking Crash Has Begun! | BAILOUTS ARE BACK

SVB Collapse: The Banking Crash Has Begun! | BAILOUTS ARE BACK

Sanctioning China Will Destroy The Dollar | America's Ultimate Mistake

Sanctioning China Will Destroy The Dollar | America’s Ultimate Mistake

Sanctioning China will be the ultimate Mistake the United States could make we Are talking about the destruction of the U.S dollar itself at splitting the world Into two now we are getting dangerously Close to the economic war between…

The Fed Will Do The Unthinkable & Crash The Economy | Serious Pain Ahead!

The Fed Will Do The Unthinkable & Crash The Economy | Serious Pain Ahead!

The Federal Reserve is moving to crash The economy they have no choice and Power is trapped interest rates are Going to keep rising and my base case Now is 5.5 at the very least even BlackRock believes that rates…

Russia Abandons The West For Asia - This Pivot Will Change The World

Russia Abandons The West For Asia – This Pivot Will Change The World

Russia is officially moving away from The West they are pivoting to Asia and This is a game changer now since the 1980s when the Soviet Union built a Pipeline connecting Siberia to the West Europe became dependent on Russian…

If Bakhmut Falls, Fighter Jets Might Come - Inflation Hell Continues

If Bakhmut Falls, Fighter Jets Might Come – Inflation Hell Continues

So the conflict is getting worse and we Could see yet another escalation now the Trigger might just be the fall of bark Mode and we have heard endlessly about How Russia is losing against the west But right now…

CPI Disaster - They Are Redefining Inflation Again

CPI Disaster – They Are Redefining Inflation Again

So let's talk inflation we know the CPI Number is a fantasy it doesn't matter if It's five percent or ten percent it Doesn't really reflect what is happening In the real world and to be honest it Feels more…

The Economic War Just Got Crazier - Let’s Take Their Money!

The Economic War Just Got Crazier – Let’s Take Their Money!

So this is a big one we know Russia and Europe they are waging economic War Putin's game is to inflict higher Inflationary pain while the West is out To squeeze Russian revenues it's Basically a wall of attrition to…

Putin’s Shadow Fleet Is Changing The Game (Sanctions Will Fail)

Putin’s Shadow Fleet Is Changing The Game (Sanctions Will Fail)

Putting Shadow Fleet is building and Russian oil is still flowing and the Problem with sanctions is that they Usually backfire and unless you embargo The whole world it won't really work now For months now the G7 planners they…

What If America Defaults? - The Doomsday Scenario

What If America Defaults? – The Doomsday Scenario

What if the United States defaults on His debt would it cause the next Great Depression and improve the world economy Right now there's a Titanic battle going On in Washington with the debt ceiling And we have Janet Yellen…

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