BRICS’ Move to Flip the Global Order: Anticipating Unprecedented Change in Our Lifetime

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The BRICS nations, consisting of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, have been making a strong push to reshape the global order. This coalition of emerging economies has been gaining momentum and challenging the dominance of the traditional world powers. The implications of the BRICS’ ascendancy are enormous, and we may witness unprecedented change in our lifetime. In this blog post, we will delve into the reasons behind this shift and its potential consequences for the world as we know it.

BRICS’ Move to Flip the Global Order: Anticipating Unprecedented Change in Our Lifetime


The global economic, political and social order has been dictated by Western powers, primarily the United States, for decades. However, the BRICS bloc – consisting of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa – is set to challenge this dominance with their plans to expand and become a dominant player in the world economy. In the lead-up to the BRICS summit in August, the bloc is actively trying to persuade countries such as Iran, Saudi Arabia, and UAE to join its ranks. Their ambitious plan is to promote a multipolar world, where power is distributed among multiple countries resulting in the rise of emerging markets, and nations have equal say in global affairs.

Building an Economic Block to Challenge the West

BRICS is on a mission to challenge the dominance of the Western powers, primarily the United States. The US has imposed sanctions on several countries, including Russia, Iran, and Venezuela, which BRICS sees as weaponizing the dollar, thereby prompting a rallying cry for change. The economic giant, China, has already developed the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) to build a new global economic order and BRICS is capitalizing on this to cooperate, collaborate, and work towards its own economic agenda.

The World Is Looking for Alternatives

BRICS’ mission comes at a time when many countries are looking for alternatives to the current global order. With a rising outcry for a more equitable system and increasing backlash against the United States, BRICS’ plans to expand its block could not have come at a better time. The coronavirus pandemic has also highlighted the need for countries to become self-reliant, developing a strong and diverse economic network that operates independently from the West.

BRICS Needs to Expand to Become Strong Enough to Drive Change

To challenge the current global order, BRICS must become strong enough to drive change. They believe that by creating a multipolar world, where power is distributed among multiple countries, the world will be less reliant on the West. To achieve this goal, BRICS need to expand and bring more countries into its bloc. With Saudi Arabia, UAE, and Iran expressing interest, there is a possibility that this expansion will happen in the very near future.

The Weaponization of the Dollar Is Prompting Backlash

BRICS’ bloc is a direct result of the weaponization of the dollar and the economic dominance of the United States. The bloc is working towards growing economies away from the West and becoming less reliant on Western financial systems. This move is seen as a counterbalance to the existing global order and a way to hold the West accountable for the weaponization of their currency.

The BRICS Bloc Is Looking to the Future

The BRICS bloc is looking to build an economic block that operates independently from the West. The idea is to offer a viable alternative to nations currently bound to Western economic and political systems. With its plans to expand, BRICS’ influence will only grow, and its bargaining power will increase. Its goal is to become the dominant player in the global economy and dictate the course of international relations.


BRICS is on a mission to flip the current global order and promote a multipolar future. Its members believe that the world needs a more equitable system, and power needs to be distributed among multiple nations. The bloc is looking to expand and bring more countries in, including Saudi Arabia, UAE, and Iran. With economies growing away from the West and the weaponization of the dollar, the BRICS bloc is a ray of hope for those seeking alternatives to the status quo.

5 Unique FAQs After The Conclusion

1. Why is BRICS trying to build a multipolar world?

BRICS believes that the world needs more equitable systems, and power needs to be distributed evenly among multiple countries. It is an attempt to counterbalance the economic dominance of the West, particularly the United States.

2. Is BRICS trying to undermine the West?

No, BRICS is not trying to undermine the West. Its goals are to bring balance to the world economy, improve global trade, and make international relations more equitable.

3. How will BRICS’ expansion help towards achieving its mission?

BRICS needs to expand to become strong enough to drive change. Adding new members to its bloc will increase its bargaining power, which will help promote a multipolar world.

4. What are the possible consequences of the rising economic power of BRICS?

The rising economic power of BRICS could result in a shift in the global political landscape and add diversity to the world economy. The bloc may also bring in new market opportunities and foster better international relations.

5. Will BRICS be successful in challenging the dominance of the Western powers?

There is no definitive answer to this question, but the bloc’s rising economic powers and collaborations with other countries could help balance the global economy. The willingness of other nations to join BRICS is a testament to the bloc’s increasing power and influence in the world.

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