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Forex GOLD Investor

What Are the Current Prospects for Investing in the Private Rental Sector?

Rental residential property has ascended to a level of importance among real estate investors due to a growing share of to-let housing properties. The numbers that show the relationship between available housing and the growing population of the United Kingdom are nothing less than dramatic. The country’s population will increase from 63 million today to 70 million by 2021, according to the Office of National Statistics (September 2012), a stunning 11 per cent growth rate that exceeds the 7 per cent growth measure for the decennial ending in 2011.

There Are Hopeful Indicators for Investors in the National Planning Policy Framework

How does the UK Government’s National Planning Policy Framework favourably affect land investing? The new rules from the NPPF, published in 2012, provide a kinder, gentler approach to growth. Cooperative efforts to satisfy environmental goals are recommended.

The Land Development Two-Step: Why Investors Profit By Selling to Homebuilders, Not Homebuyers

This is an exceptional time to develop raw land for residential and commercial use in the UK. With a growing population, a housing shortage reaching crisis proportions and recession-devalued land, all the key factors favour the investor-builder.

The Importance of Property Surveys In Joint Ventures

Land investments are subject to an apples-to-oranges dilemma in establishing pricing. But the industry has survey methods that investors depend upon.

Forex GOLD Investor

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