Why Financial Freedom is Important – Robert Kiyosaki, Patrick Bet-David
This is the Rich Dad radio show the good News and bad news about money here's Robert Kiyosaki hello this is Robert Kiyosaki and welcome to another edition Of Rich dad's world it's the real world Of money investing and…

How To Pick The BEST Credit Card (For You)
Hey everybody welcome back to whiteboard Finance my name is Marco and I'm here to Help you master your money and build Your wealth thanks to Kudos for Sponsoring today's video but more on That later in today's video I'm…

This Debt Disaster Won’t End – Most Will Be Slaves To Inflation
So things are really bad and we're going To reach a point of no return in this Debt crisis now a lot of us we are Focused on the rate hikes Russia Ukraine And Saudi Arabia but we are forgetting…

How To Buy Index Funds/ETFs For Beginners | Charles Schwab Tutorial 2022 (Step By Step)
If you're looking to buy an ETF I'm Going to show you how step by step in This live demo what I'm not going to do Is give you an affiliate link or any Kind of sponsored link or any…

THE FEDS HANDLING OF THE ECONOMY – Market Mondays w/ Ian Dunlap
[Music] So let me ask you this Um what are your thoughts in the Handling of the economy um by the fed This year been my thoughts on what I'm Sorry can you speak up the feds handling Of the…