What's up YouTube Silver dragons here And in this video I want to talk about Investing in silver over gold when People look at investing in Precious Metals a lot of the time they just buy Gold but I want to make the case for Silver in this video so let's do it Thank you so much for watching I do Sincerely appreciate it if you want to Learn more about investing in precious Metals or if you just want to watch Awesome videos about gold and silver Make sure to subscribe to my YouTube Channel and also check me out on Rumble This is my backup Channel we are Currently over 700 followers but we're Trying to get over a thousand I will Have a link Down Below in the Description thanks for checking me out There as well okay so we are looking at An article on shiftgold.com this posted On Halloween and it just says why should You be bullish on Silver and then it's Got a picture of some 5 000 gram silver Bars those are pretty sweet but let's Dig in here of course I'm gonna break This article down and give you my own Thoughts and opinions but it starts off There are reasons to be bullish on Silver not just because of its role as a Monetary metal and inflation hedge but Also due to its importance as an Industrial metal Doug Casey recently Talked about Silver's many uses and what
It means for the future with International man I'm not sure if They're talking about his video that he Recently put out or his website but if You don't know who Doug Casey is he is a Renowned author and founder of Casey Research and I actually interviewed him A few years ago on my YouTube channel Here's a little clip from that this is Going to be a panic into both gold and Silver and also the stocks of the Companies that mine them uh it's Um Listen we're in for really Stormy Weather so buckle up I really enjoyed Talking with Doug he's very insightful Hopefully we can get him on again in the Future but if we continue with the Article uh this next part says the first Question posted to Casey was what makes Silver useful and valuable Casey said in The first place silver has historically Been money throughout history three Metals have been used as money Gold Silver and copper all share the five Qualities of good money durability Divisibility portability consistency and Intrinsic value but in different Proportions all three metals can be Bought for the same reasons as well each Is a long-term store of value a medium Of exchange and an interesting Speculation at least periodically gold Has always been and probably always will
Be used primarily as money copper will Probably remain an industrial metal Silver Falls neatly in between them both In price the way it's used and where it Fits into your Investment Portfolio it Can be viewed both as a way to save like Gold and a way to speculate like copper Silver possesses qualities that make it Ideal for its use and electronics Medicine along with other technological Applications it is an extremely Important element in the green energy Revolution as Casey pointed out of the 92 naturally occurring elements silver Is the best conductor of both heat and Energy about 60 percent of silver is Used in industrial applications I want To pause right there for a second silver Is actually the most reflective of All Metals as well which is why it was used In mirrors for a long time and he did Mention that it was used in medicine so Silver is used for burn victims they put Silver nitrate directly on burns and This helps with not growing bacteria on The wound it's naturally Anti-microbial so it's a great thing to Use for burns silver can also be used to Fight infections and things like that in The form of colloidal silver it's not Very popular in the USA but it is Popular in other countries so if you Have an infection and most antibiotics Don't work on you because perhaps you've
Already taken a lot of antibiotics in The past then colloidal silver is an Option also people if they have pink eye They'll put it in their eyes to help With that so there's a lot of medicinal Uses for silver but most of the silver That's used for industry is used in Electronics so we're talking cell phones Computers solar panels cars things like That so there's a lot of Need for silver But as I mentioned before it is also Used as a monetary metal okay some argue That a slowing economy will drag silver Down but Casey says that's not Necessarily the case if the economy Continues to slow down a lot which I Expect as we go into the greater Depression Industrial Metals are likely To get hurt but silver has a few things That ameliorate that situation as I said More high-tech uses are being discovered All the time helping the consumption Side of the equation the fact that it's Mostly a byproduct of Industrial Metals Means that as their production drops in An economic downturn the production of Silver will drop as well I'm much more Bullish about silver than any other Industrial metal with the possible Exception of uranium at the same time The fact that it's a monetary metal is Going to bring in a lot of buying from Savers and specular laters further Supporting its price and I totally agree
With this you know people have seen Silver and gold as money for literally Thousands and thousands of years and as We see the world start to crumble around Us you know people are gonna flock to The safe haven assets the monetary Metals silver and gold and as he Mentioned with the mining side of things Slowing down for Industrial Metals There's going to be less silver being Produced but with more demand this is Going to shoot the price up all right Let's continue on here Casey alluded to The fact that there are very few Standalone Silver Mines most silver Production is a byproduct of the mining Of other metals this means that economic Slowdowns will likely impact the supply Side as much as demand and this is so True I mean Silver Mines are basically Non-existent there are a few in Mexico And other other parts of the world but Most of the time people are mining for Things like copper or zinc or gold and They're getting silver along with these Other metals so if they're not needing To mine for zinc or lead or copper or Whatever else then they're not going to Be getting the silver as well all right Global silver production totals about 800 million ounces annually that Compares to about 80 million ounces of Gold and these are total rough numbers Here but as Casey points out there are
No substantial silver inventories in the World on the other hand most of the 6 Billion ounces of gold mined over the Course of history are still in existence And being stored somewhere if you're Bullish on gold you should be even more Bullish on silver silver typically Outperforms gold in a gold bull market And the silver gold ratio indicates that Silver is significantly underpriced when Compared to gold Historically when the spread gets this Wide silver doesn't just outperform gold It goes on a massive run in a short Period of time since January 2000 this Has happened four times as this chart Shows the Snapback is Swift and strong So this is going to be the gold silver Ratio over the last I guess uh 50 years I mean this goes really far back look All the way to the 70s so basically the Thing to note in this chart is that Whenever we see the gold silver ratio go Above 80 or destined to see a correction In the near future so we see it move up And then snap back down time and time Again basically right now the gold Silver ratio is fairly high and we're Probably gonna see it snap back down in The near future which means that likely Gold and silver are both gonna go up in Price but silver is going to go up in Price faster because it's so undervalued As compared to Gold so if you want to
Pick silver or gold to invest in you Should probably pick the one that's Going to do better in a short period of Time and then if you want you could take That silver which is outperformed gold And then convert it to gold for Long-term Holdings so right now at this Point in time it looks like silver is Absolutely the best purchase of the two Casey was asked why silver tends to Outperform Gold during gold bull runs Although about 80 million ounces of gold Are produced every year new production Of gold is really unimportant to its Price that's because all the gold that's Ever been mined the 6 billion ounces That I mentioned before is still above Ground what influences its price is the Desire of people to hold it not the Roughly 1.3 percent added to its Inventory every year gold is almost Unique in this regard with silver how However there's not a huge relative Amount of inventory to deal with I don't Have that number but it's basically About new mine production silver Inventories are in line with other Industrial Metals very different from The days when the US government alone Owned two billion ounces not counting The billions more that used to be in U.S Dimes quarters halves and silver dollars And relative terms everything about Silver is small and small markets by
Their nature tend to be more volatile There's another thing for many years Silver has developed a lot of fans who See it almost as a religious icon maybe They're people that can't afford gold But silver has always for some reason Been viewed as almost a magical element By some people mostly Americans they're Much more fanatical than gold bugs among Which I have to number myself now he's Talking about the silver stackers right Now I don't see silver as some savior Right it's not this uh like thing that You need to put up on a pedestal and say Okay my whole life needs to revolve Around silver I don't see it like that Whatsoever I just see it as a smart Thing to purchase looking at how the Economy is going looking at how the World is going how the dollar is going I Mean I take a step back and say do I Want to keep my wealth in dollars in Stocks and metals and time and time Again I focus more on metals because They're the safer but in my opinion Smarter choice of all of the choices out There and between gold and silver Personally I'm much more heavily Invested in silver because yes it is More volatile and undervalued but also It seems like the perfect storm for Silver has been brewing over the last Few years and I think the 2020s are Going to be the time for silver to prove
Itself so I'm really excited for what's Going to happen to sell over in the Future and I mean I'm looking at this Optimistically but also realistically of All the things you could invest in I Feel like silver is probably one of the Best all right let's finish out the Article here Casey said he is primarily Bullish on Silver along with other Commodities because it is virtually the Only sector in the financial markets That hasn't been in a bubble if we get The kind of precious metals bull market That I'm anticipating mining stocks Particularly silver stocks could do Phenomenally well we'll see them move Ten to one as a group with some doing Much better it will have been worth the Wait so we're going to end the article There I mean yeah you could definitely Look at silver stocks but physical Silver is going to be the safest way to Invest in silver I do own a few silver Stocks myself but for me whenever I Invest in something that's not fit Physical right if I can't hold it in my Hand if it's just numbers on a screen I Don't put too much faith in it because Those systems can fail those systems can Fall obviously there is counterparty Risk with any type of investment where You're not actually holding the Investment in your hand right silver and Gold they're kind of like the only
Things where there's no counterparty Risk whatsoever and that's why I like Them so much but anyway I want to know Your thoughts on Silver why should you Invest in silver over gold I mean I'm Not saying you can't invest in gold I do Have physical gold myself I think it's Smart to not have all of your eggs in One basket so probably get some silver Get some gold but I would say go much More heavy on the silver right now so Feel free to leave your comments Down Below in the comments section I do want To say a massive thank you so much for Watching my video and I will see you all In my next one silver dragons out