What are the top 10 investment lessons Of this year always keep the investor in Front of anything else and hunt for an Edge in the market every day Um so in my walks on Wall Street and New York…

These Silver Price Changes Are MADNESS!

These Silver Price Changes Are MADNESS!

Silver price did something crazy today And we're gonna check it out now the Moves up and down were very extreme very Fast and if you weren't paying attention Then you would have missed it but we're Gonna sort of…

Why To Move From A Beautiful House To A Garbage House With Mindy Jensen - Retire Sooner Highlight

Why To Move From A Beautiful House To A Garbage House With Mindy Jensen – Retire Sooner Highlight

Nobody ever wants to move to a lesser House I do except for Mindy Yeah I always move to a lesser house and Then I make it gorgeous and then I sell It after two years the two years is…

Gold SURGING from Mystery Buyers - Watch What Happens!

Gold SURGING from Mystery Buyers – Watch What Happens!

So it looks like we have a little bit of Mystery affecting the price of gold now Kind of thought that it was mysterious Enough but we might need to throw out Our charts and get back to the basics…

HBCU - Market Mondays w/ Ian Dunlap

HBCU – Market Mondays w/ Ian Dunlap

[Music] I want to be Thoughtful and speaking about this Because Deion Sanders is a he's a good Guy Um we we had the honor of connecting With him Interviewed him he's very gracious with His time Could do And…

China’s Crushing The Dollar With Gold - The PetroYuan Plan

China’s Crushing The Dollar With Gold – The PetroYuan Plan

China's buying more gold and they're Telling the whole world about it now we Have to understand how groundbreaking These announcement is because it is a Battle Cry it is part of China's agenda To take down the dollar this…

10 Lessons I Wish I Learned In High School (At Age 18)

10 Lessons I Wish I Learned In High School (At Age 18)

So last week I had the opportunity to Speak at my high school to the Junior And senior class while I wasn't able to Record the speech I wanted to make a Video because I feel there were a lot…

TOP 10 INVESTMENT LESSONS OF THIS YEAR - Market Mondays w/ Ian Dunlap

TOP 10 INVESTMENT LESSONS OF THIS YEAR – Market Mondays w/ Ian Dunlap

[Music] Let's start off right right where the People want to know what are the top 10 Investment lessons Of this year Um for me Um Defense one pound of defense will save You ten thousand pounds of trouble So…

New Strategies for Inflation, Real Estate, and Volatile Markets - Robert Kiyosaki, Nomi Prins

New Strategies for Inflation, Real Estate, and Volatile Markets – Robert Kiyosaki, Nomi Prins

TIKTOK'S ALGORITHM IN CHINA - Market Mondays w/ Ian Dunlap

TIKTOK’S ALGORITHM IN CHINA – Market Mondays w/ Ian Dunlap

[Music] Tick Tock Let's talk about this because you did Put a post up um from 60 minutes which Is My outside of earn your leisure Programming yes 60 minutes Is my favorite Television show I I'm extremely looking forward…

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