Avoiding Encouraging Entitlement

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In their blog post, the author delves into the crucial topic of avoiding actions that inadvertently encourage entitlement. By providing insights and strategies, they aim to help readers navigate situations where entitlement may arise and foster a culture of accountability and gratitude.

Avoiding Encouraging Entitlement: The Ian Dunlap Video Review


Ian Dunlap, a renowned speaker and motivator, recently released a video addressing the concept of entitlement and its adverse effects on personal development. In this captivating video, Dunlap delves into the detrimental impact of enabling behavior and the importance of allowing individuals to face challenges in order to foster personal growth.

Exploring the Pitfalls of Entitlement

In his video, Ian Dunlap highlights how entitlement can be harmful as it hinders personal growth. Individuals who feel entitled often expect things to be handed to them without putting in the necessary effort. This attitude can impede their ability to learn valuable lessons and develop essential skills.

The Dangers of Excessive Help

Dunlap emphasizes that sometimes helping someone too much can actually hurt them. While it may seem compassionate to provide constant assistance, it can lead to a sense of dependence and prevent individuals from learning to overcome obstacles independently.

  • Providing too much help can potentially cripple someone in their growth.
  • Enabling behavior may prevent individuals from learning important lessons.
Benefits of Facing Challenges

Allowing individuals to face challenges can aid in personal development. By confronting difficulties head-on, individuals have the opportunity to grow stronger, more resilient, and acquire valuable skills that will serve them well in the long run.

Lessons from Overcoming Hardships

Overcoming hardships can lead to valuable lessons learned. Ian Dunlap underscores the idea that struggles and setbacks are not roadblocks but stepping stones to personal growth and development. Embracing challenges can result in enhanced resilience and a deeper understanding of one’s capabilities.

The speaker’s father emphasized the importance of facing and overcoming challenges, instilling in Dunlap the belief that adversity provides valuable opportunities for growth and self-discovery.


In conclusion, Ian Dunlap’s insightful video serves as a poignant reminder of the dangers of encouraging entitlement. By avoiding the pitfalls of excessive help and enabling behavior, individuals can embark on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth.


  1. Why is entitlement harmful to personal development?
  2. How can enabling behavior hinder an individual’s growth?
  3. What are the benefits of allowing individuals to face challenges?
  4. What lessons can be learned from overcoming hardships?
  5. How can avoiding encouraging entitlement lead to personal growth and resilience?
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