Quick which one of these stacks of gold Looks nicer to you I'm guessing most of You're going to say the one on the right It's the 24 karat gold but is one better Than the other it's a question that Comes up a lot you can buy both local Coin shops sell both for more or less The same they buy both for more or less The same unless you're in a country with Additional taxes on 22 karat gold the United States is not one of them but Those taxes are a reason that a lot of People give for 24 karat gold over 22 Karat just looks nicer too seems better Because it's pure but the two most Popular gold bullion coins in the world The American Gold Eagle and the South African crew Grand they're both 22 karat Now 22 karat gold coins are alloyed they Include copper or copper and silver the Gold content is the same though this Gold Eagle has the same one troy ounce Of gold that the gold buffalo does I go Back and forth on which I prefer pure Gold looks nicer but it takes a lot more To damage a 22 karat coin you just have To decide how hard you're gonna play With your gold
22k Gold vs 24k Gold