So last week we counted out how much Gold it takes to get to a hundred Thousand dollars and it's going to take A minute to pile it up so I'll just give You a spoiler took 54 ounces and that Got us over that Mark but the next day The price of gold had dropped two Percent 54 ounces Was no longer worth a hundred thousand Dollars at least not in terms of spot Price now normally gold just doesn't Jump around like that a two percent Swing that isn't common but just one Week later the spot price of gold has Jumped from 1850 to 1930. so that's a Four percent jump also not common that's Based on what's happening in the banking Industry and that makes this same pile Of 54 ounces of gold now worth more than A hundred and four thousand dollars so Gold is a long game only in watching Spot too closely will only drive you Crazy but if times are strange like they Are right now and you don't like the Price Just give it a week
100k in Gold, Now Worth More