Why Central Banks Are Hungry For Gold: 55-Year Record Smashed!

Why Central Banks Are Hungry For Gold: 55-Year Record Smashed!

Central banks are buying gold like never Before and an incredible 55-year record Has been broken right what we are seeing Is not just a fear of inflation but a Fear of the dollar that is driving this So we…

Canada Has ZERO Gold Reserves - This Is A Big Mistake

Canada Has ZERO Gold Reserves – This Is A Big Mistake

Almost every central bank today they own Gold from the United States to China and Russia there's a global understanding That gold is true money and it is the Ultimate store of value and for the last Decade central banks…

Central Banks Are Dumping Dollars For GOLD - 55-Year Record Broken!

Central Banks Are Dumping Dollars For GOLD – 55-Year Record Broken!

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