Steve Lopez On Women Excelling At Retirement - Retire Sooner Highlights

Steve Lopez On Women Excelling At Retirement – Retire Sooner Highlights

Women are much better at retirement than Men because they are smarter than we are And they are smarter and and more Um you know socially connected because They are better multi-taskers women are Always multitasking you know career Um…

Sampling The Dream With Steve Lopez - Retire Sooner Highlight

Sampling The Dream With Steve Lopez – Retire Sooner Highlight

There are a lot of people who you know It's not it's not quite what they Thought it was cracked up to be and back To Rabbi Levy she had great advice on That if you have some picture in…

Steve Lopez On When You Don't Establish Structure In Retirement - Retire Sooner

Steve Lopez On When You Don’t Establish Structure In Retirement – Retire Sooner

Actually I want to hear about your top Examples of people who just really it Was just a terrible fit they really Regretted retiring it was just not good Well a couple people in the book come to Mind Um…

Steve Lopez On Nathaniel Ayers And Purpose - Retire Sooner

Steve Lopez On Nathaniel Ayers And Purpose – Retire Sooner

So let's Circle back to Nathaniel Ayers who who our listeners would know From the movie uh played by Jamie Foxx The Soloist which is a really cool movie I remember what year did it come out It's been a…

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