This $300 Trillion Time Bomb Is Why Inflation Will Never End
The wall is sitting on a 300 trillion Dollar time bomb and this is the reason Why inflation will never end so we know The U.S they are inching closer towards A debt selling crisis the fear has Reached a…

Record Treasury Dump As Banking Crisis Triggers A Global Dollar Shortage!
The banking crisis is getting worse and It is triggering a global dollar Shortage now the contagion has spread Beyond the United States and we have Banks in Europe feeling the pain they Know that if another bank run happens…

Pain For You, Bailouts For The Banks | This Crisis Isn’t Over!
So the Federal Reserve DF raised Interest rates by another 25 basis Points and we are now at 4.75 percent And this is going to put more pressure On an economy that's cracking and it's Going to be more pain…

The Fed Will Do The Unthinkable & Crash The Economy | Serious Pain Ahead!
The Federal Reserve is moving to crash The economy they have no choice and Power is trapped interest rates are Going to keep rising and my base case Now is 5.5 at the very least even BlackRock believes that rates…

CPI Disaster – They Are Redefining Inflation Again
So let's talk inflation we know the CPI Number is a fantasy it doesn't matter if It's five percent or ten percent it Doesn't really reflect what is happening In the real world and to be honest it Feels more…

What If America Defaults? – The Doomsday Scenario
What if the United States defaults on His debt would it cause the next Great Depression and improve the world economy Right now there's a Titanic battle going On in Washington with the debt ceiling And we have Janet Yellen…

5 Money Moves To Prepare For 2023
By definition a recession is a Far-reaching and extended period of Declining economic activity it's Measured by looking at a country's GDP Or gross domestic product employment as Well as retail sales for the most part While the typical goal…

The Fed Will Still CRUSH The Markets – Urgent Warning
So the markets have rallied and the Recession is finally over or is it now The CPI report for October is out at 7.7 Sounds like great news inflation has Dropped four months straight from a peak Of 9.1 and…