The Bank Of Japan Has Doomed Global Bonds – QE Is Back!
You know I think old habits really die Hard and we have the bank of Japan back Doing QE putting up money once again to Buy bonds and you know things are really Bad in Japan when even the Federal…
Russia’s Victory In Soledar Is A Reality Check For The West
You know I think for months now we have Been hearing that Russia was on the Brink of defeat right the sanctions are Draining their warches dry and put Things on the verge of surrendering well In a sudden Twist…
IMF’s Deadly Warning: You Won’t Escape This Recession
The world is crashing into recession and There's no Escape so the IMF has come up With Doomsday Prophecy and it's really Grim now one third of the world will be Plunged into recession and this economic Apocalypse will be…
Putin Is Pushing Germany Into A Recession – But Guess Who Benefits?
So things are getting real bad in Europe And Germany is heading to a recession And there's no Escape now if Germany is A Powerhouse of Europe is Contracting Then Europe's economy is going to take a Nose dive very…