Everything Has Changed for Gold and Silver in 2023 - New Plan

Everything Has Changed for Gold and Silver in 2023 – New Plan

So we're going to talk about 2023 gold Buying Over drinks The weekend here so Allow me to start this one off a little Bit differently my wife got me the Smoking box About a year ago we had a…

If Bakhmut Falls, Fighter Jets Might Come - Inflation Hell Continues

If Bakhmut Falls, Fighter Jets Might Come – Inflation Hell Continues

So the conflict is getting worse and we Could see yet another escalation now the Trigger might just be the fall of bark Mode and we have heard endlessly about How Russia is losing against the west But right now…

The Prediction of Gold Price Forecast 2023

The Prediction of Gold Price Forecast 2023

The prediction of gold price forecast 2023 Gold price forecast 2023 becomes a good Discussion before you invest your money In gold You will get more profits from your gold Investment when the gold price increases In 2023. it is…

22k Gold vs 24k Gold

22k Gold vs 24k Gold

Quick which one of these stacks of gold Looks nicer to you I'm guessing most of You're going to say the one on the right It's the 24 karat gold but is one better Than the other it's a question…

GOLD STANDARD - Will the USA Ever Go Back on the Gold Standard?

GOLD STANDARD – Will the USA Ever Go Back on the Gold Standard?

What's up YouTube Silver dragons here And in this video I want to talk about The possibility of the United States Going back on the gold standard if you Don't know currently the US dollar is a Fiat currency system…

China Moves To Flip The World Order - It's Official Now!

China Moves To Flip The World Order – It’s Official Now!

So China has said enough and in a Shocking move they are officially Warning the world about the dangers of The US dollar and I really think we are Moving towards an inevitable showdown Between the United States and China…

CPI Disaster - They Are Redefining Inflation Again

CPI Disaster – They Are Redefining Inflation Again

So let's talk inflation we know the CPI Number is a fantasy it doesn't matter if It's five percent or ten percent it Doesn't really reflect what is happening In the real world and to be honest it Feels more…

China's Still Dumping Dollars - Here Are The Facts!

China’s Still Dumping Dollars – Here Are The Facts!

So by now we know that the dollarization Story the world is starting to dump US Dollars and China is leading the charge They're afraid of the sanctions imposed On Russia and how it could happen to Them especially with…

I Sold My Gold

I Sold My Gold

Okay yeah you read that right Sold my gold Don't worry though I didn't sell it all Not a Savage We're gonna work through this I'm going To tell you why I did it so stick with Me I think…

The Real Benefit of Gold and Silver

The Real Benefit of Gold and Silver

So everything that you've heard about Gold or silver put it out of your mind For a minute I'm going to tell you what I actually think matters And it's not that it's shiny [Music] [Applause] [Applause] So if this…

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