China Rejects Ukraine Peace Talks, EU Announces $100 Billion Defense Bonds, Germany Warns US Economically

As we delve into the latest international developments, we witness China’s refusal to engage in peace negotiations with Ukraine. Meanwhile, the EU’s recent declaration of issuing $100 billion in defense bonds highlights a significant shift in global security measures. Furthermore,…

US-Saudi Deal Crumbles, Iran Warns America, Oil Erupts Higher

The Downfall of the US-Saudi Deal: Iran’s Warning, Oil Prices Soar

Are you concerned about the recent events surrounding the US-Saudi deal and its potential implications? Brace yourself as we delve into the downfall of this agreement and uncover the strong warning signals being sent by Iran. Join us as we…

Russia Issues Grave Warning - Cheap Oil Is OVER

Russia’s Dire Warning: The Era of Cheap Oil is Coming to an End

As I sit down to write this blog post, I can’t help but feel a sense of urgency. You see, I recently came across a dire warning from Russia about the future of oil prices. And let me tell you,…

China, Russia Moves To RESET The World - Wang Yi Lays Ground For Historic Meeting

China and Russia Take Steps to Reset the World: Wang Yi Paves the Way for an Unprecedented Meeting

Are you curious about the recent developments between China and Russia that have the potential to reshape the world? In this blog post, we delve into the significant strides taken by China’s Wang Yi, paving the way for an extraordinary…

Saudi & Russia Have Retaken Control - Sanctions COLLAPSE

The Collapse of Sanctions: Saudi Arabia and Russia Regain Control

As we delve into the intricate web of global politics, we cannot ignore the recent developments that have reshaped the world’s economic landscape. Today, we stand witness to a remarkable turn of events as Saudi Arabia and Russia reclaim their…

Russia’s About To Pull The Trigger - Cheap Oil Is OVER

The End of Cheap Oil: Russia on the Verge of Taking Action

Are you concerned about the future of oil and its impact on the world? If so, then this blog post is for you. In this article, we will explore the imminent actions being taken by Russia in response to the…

Russia Abandons The West For Asia - This Pivot Will Change The World

Russia Abandons The West For Asia – This Pivot Will Change The World

Russia is officially moving away from The West they are pivoting to Asia and This is a game changer now since the 1980s when the Soviet Union built a Pipeline connecting Siberia to the West Europe became dependent on Russian…

Putin’s Shadow Fleet Is Changing The Game (Sanctions Will Fail)

Putin’s Shadow Fleet Is Changing The Game (Sanctions Will Fail)

Putting Shadow Fleet is building and Russian oil is still flowing and the Problem with sanctions is that they Usually backfire and unless you embargo The whole world it won't really work now For months now the G7 planners they…

Ukraine Demands The Unthinkable: Sanctions On China & India

Ukraine Demands The Unthinkable: Sanctions On China & India

So the sanctions nightmare isn't over And it could get much worse now Ukraine Is asking the United States to do the Unthinkable day one sanctions imposed on China and India so we have a top Ukrainian lawmaker calling for…

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