If your flat broke start this business Now step one go to uship.com and click On find shipments step two allow Location to see shipments right in your Area step 3 click on filter to specify a Maximum weight I recommend 50 pounds for A solo delivery at this point you're Left with small easy deliveries that can Be done with any car for example someone Was trying to move this chair across Florida submit a bunch of offers and Wait for the first accepted one then set That delivery as the destination for Other shipments to see if you can grab Anything else on the way the best way to Make money is to double or triple down On deliveries you can start out with a Car save up and eventually purchase a Commercial van for about twenty five Thousand then you will be shipping the Medium stuff to compete on the big scale You're gonna need a semi truck that's Going to run you about fifty thousand Dollars you'll also need a CDL that's All for now like and follow for more Side hustle ideas
Learn The #1 Way To Make EASY Money If You’re Flat Broke (No Skill Required)