Should I Invest in Bitcoin?
Over the past few months I have watched bitcoins value rise exponentially. I had no idea what bitcoin was and never even heard of crypto currency a few months ago. But with the recent government and media attention crypto currencies have received, they have gotten everyone’s attention.
Advantages of Investing When Young
Young adults have distinctive advantages in investing. Too often young adults don’t invest in the markets, they wait until their late thirties or 40’s hit and then, “oh my gosh, maybe we should look at our retirement account or start one.
Investing 101: Before You Start Investing Money
Doesn’t it make sense to learn to invest (some basics) before you start investing money for real? Maybe a course called investing 101 or personal investing would be helpful. Here this retired financial planner relates a story, and then points the new investor in the right direction so he or she does not start investing uninformed.
Saving and Investing
Before effecting a pension transfer, consider the options and choose what suits you best. It is time to sit down and take stock of your current scheme and compare it to the alternatives.