FIVE PLAYERS IN ANY SPACE – Market Mondays w/ Ian Dunlap

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I want you guys to write this down if You take the top five players usually Three of them are going to do really Well the other two are going to fall During the bullish market doing a Bearish market two are going to do Really well three are going to fall so This is like a Trade that you can run in almost every Sector so you can even look in like the Cannabis market oil and gas market Tech So I'll probably short matter long Apples long Microsoft short snap you can Find five players in any space and and Do this like diversion trade where You're a long two and short three so for Those of you that do options Um I wouldn't load the boat because like We've kind of Hit the bottoms on a lot Of these but it is a good trade if you Are into trading stocks to trading Options to do this kind of diversion Split in a sector

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