So many restaurants are beginning to Test digital only restaurants and Probably won't be McDonald's but like Burger King Taco Bell Jack in the Box uh In and Out Burger I can see them making A switch to put in Automation and for Everyone who may think that it's crazy I Don't know if you've been to the grocery Store lately self-check I was getting Bigger and bigger and I'm seeing less People at the checkout Lanes when I Actually do go to the grocery store um And if I was a business owner the Profitability of a place would go up Tremendously if I only had one person Working inside of the business and all Of your orders were being pushed out the Drive through by by robots I think their Profits will increase dramatically Unfortunately for a lot of us you know In our communities those jobs are going To be taken away and they'll never be Replaced that's the trade-off and I Truly believe this automation is being Done to destroy the job market for us [Music]
DIGITAL ONLY RESTAURANTS – Market Mondays w/ Ian Dunlap