China’s Warning to the US: “Don’t Try this!” – Dollars Abandoned for Gold as Israel’s Debt Puts America in a Predicament

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China issues a stern warning to the United States: “Don’t try this!” As Israel’s mounting debt puts America in an unprecedented predicament, the global economic landscape experiences a significant shift. In response to this heightened uncertainty, a noteworthy trend emerges – the abandonment of dollars in favor of gold. This blog post delves into the implications of China’s warning, the impact of Israel’s debt on America, and the growing preference for gold as a safe haven amidst economic turmoil. Let’s explore these dimensions and shed light on the evolving dynamics of global finance.


In a recent video by Sean Foo, the focus is on the warning that China has issued to the United States regarding their actions and policies. The video sheds light on the current geopolitical tensions between the two countries and explores the potential consequences of certain decisions made by US lawmakers and President Biden. This article will delve deeper into the topics covered in the video and provide a comprehensive review.

President Biden’s Meeting with China’s Xi Jinping

One of the key points discussed in the video is President Biden’s upcoming meeting with China’s President Xi Jinping. As the relationship between the US and China remains strained, this meeting holds great importance in determining the future direction of their bilateral relations. Both sides are expected to address various pressing issues, including economic cooperation, climate change, and regional security.

US Lawmakers’ Proposals

US lawmakers are pushing for higher tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles (EVs) and are urging the banning of Chinese mineral and battery companies. These proposals aim to protect American interests and reduce dependence on Chinese industries, but they also risk exacerbating trade tensions between the two countries. The video highlights these potential ramifications and the need for careful consideration before implementing such policies.

China’s Demands for Concrete Steps

China, in response to the US’ policies, has demanded concrete steps and evidence from the US to reset their strained relations. Beijing seeks tangible actions from Washington rather than mere promises or gestures. This demand reflects China’s desire for a substantive change in the dynamics between the two countries.

Warning Against Overstepping and Respect for Concerns

China warns the US not to overstep its boundaries and to respect its concerns. This message conveys China’s assertiveness in defending its sovereignty and national interests. The video emphasizes the need for the US to exercise caution in its policies and actions towards China to avoid further escalating tensions.

China’s Call for Decoupling Reversal

China seeks a complete reversal of the decoupling narrative and the dropping of tariffs imposed by the US. The video explains that China views the decoupling strategy as detrimental to both countries’ interests and advocates for a return to normalcy in economic relations. Rebuilding trust and fostering cooperation are essential components of China’s call for reversing the current trajectory.

China’s Desire for Free Trade

China wants free trade to continue and urges the US not to impose further sanctions or trade barriers. The video emphasizes that unrestricted trade benefits both nations and promotes economic growth. The call for free trade underpins China’s efforts to maintain stability in the global economy.

Biden’s Potential Request for China’s Help

President Biden may ask for China’s assistance in calming situations in regions like Ukraine and the Middle East. While China does not have direct control over these areas, its influence can play a crucial role in mitigating tensions. The video suggests that cooperation between the US and China on these global challenges could pave the way for improved bilateral relations.

China’s Limited Influence on Iran

The video clarifies that China does not have direct control over Iran and cannot dictate its actions. While China maintains economic ties with Iran, it is crucial to recognize that Beijing’s influence over Tehran is limited. Therefore, expectations for China to exert significant leverage on Iran should be tempered.


In Sean Foo’s video, China’s warning to the US serves as a reminder of the complex relationship between the two global powers. The review of the video highlights the importance of President Biden’s upcoming meeting with President Xi Jinping and sheds light on the demands and concerns of both countries. It is evident that cooperation and open dialogue are essential in resolving these tensions and achieving mutually beneficial outcomes.


  1. Q: What is the purpose of President Biden’s upcoming meeting with China’s President Xi Jinping?
    A: President Biden’s meeting aims to address pressing issues and determine the future direction of bilateral relations between the US and China.

  2. Q: What are some proposals made by US lawmakers regarding China?
    A: US lawmakers have proposed higher tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles and the banning of Chinese mineral and battery companies.

  3. Q: What does China demand from the US to reset their strained relations?
    A: China demands concrete steps and evidence from the US as a sign of genuine change in the dynamics between the two countries.

  4. Q: Why does China want the decoupling narrative to be reversed?
    A: China views the decoupling strategy as detrimental to both countries’ interests and seeks a return to normalcy in economic relations.

  5. Q: How does China view free trade?
    A: China advocates for the continuation of free trade and warns the US against imposing further sanctions or trade barriers.

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