Gold and Silver - the Worst Investment

The Downside of Investing in Gold and Silver

Investing in gold and silver may seem like a wise financial decision at first glance. After all, these precious metals have been a symbol of wealth and stability for centuries. However, delving deeper into their downside reveals some important considerations…

Evergrande Implodes, But China Won't Collapse | Here's The Truth

Evergrande’s Implosion: Debunking China’s Impending Collapse

In this blog post, the focus will be on debunking China’s impending collapse through the lens of Evergrande’s implosion. The author delves into the factors contributing to the current situation, exploring the potential consequences and offering insights into the overall…

3 Reasons to Invest in the Stock Market - Greg Arthur, Andy Tanner

Why You Should Consider Investing in the Stock Market: Insights from Greg Arthur and Andy Tanner

Investing in the stock market holds significant potential for individuals seeking long-term financial growth. In this blog post, insights from renowned experts Greg Arthur and Andy Tanner shed light on the advantages of exploring the stock market as an investment…

Invest in the top 5 companies and hold for 10 year periods you’ll be good.

Top 5 Companies to Invest in and Hold for 10 Years: A Surefire Strategy for Success

Investing in the right companies can be the key to long-term financial success. When it comes to finding the top companies to invest in and hold for 10 years, having a surefire strategy is essential. In this blog post, we…

Saudi Arabia Just BROKE The Dollar - Record Treasury Dump

Saudi Arabia’s Unprecedented Treasury Dump Shakes the Dollar’s Foundation

Are you curious to know what Saudi Arabia’s unprecedented treasury dump means for the stability of the US dollar? In this blog post, we will dive into the details of this groundbreaking event and explore its potential impact on the…

Create an environment where you feel empowered and loved in.

How to Build an Empowering and Loving Environment

Are you looking to create a powerful and nurturing atmosphere around you? Have you ever wondered how to build an empowering and loving environment that brings out the best in yourself and others? In this blog post, we will guide…

Germany’s Recession Is WORSE Than We Thought

The Grim Reality: Germany’s Recession Exceeds Initial Expectations

I never thought I would witness such an economic downturn in Germany. As I closely monitored the situation, the severity of the recession exceeded all initial expectations. In this blog post, I will take you on a journey to uncover…

When Government Leadership Fails - John MacGregor

Government Leadership Failure: Insights from John MacGregor

Welcome to our blog post where we delve into the fascinating topic of government leadership failure. In today’s article, we will explore valuable insights from renowned political analyst, John MacGregor, as we collectively examine the complexities surrounding this pertinent issue.…

China Won’t Save The World Economy - What You MUST Know

Key Insight: China’s Inability to Rescue the World Economy – Essential Knowledge

China’s inability to rescue the world economy is an essential knowledge that needs to be discussed. In this blog post, he will delve into the main reasons behind China’s limitations and how it affects global economic dynamics. From its slowing…

Importance of higher time frames when looking at charts #trading #investing

Why Higher Time Frames are Crucial for Effective Chart Analysis in Trading and Investing

Are you looking to enhance your chart analysis skills in trading and investing? If so, understanding the importance of higher time frames is crucial. In this blog post, we will delve into why higher time frames play a vital role…

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