BIGGEST CONCERNS IN THE MARKET – Market Mondays w/ Ian Dunlap

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What's the three biggest concerns in the Market right now uh number one my Biggest fear is if we do not go back to Quantitative easing that we're going to Have probably a flat half of a decade Whenever I'm asking people what can make The market go up They're saying better economy what could Cause a better economy there's no real Answer I think we're going through a Revolutionary period the cycle that People don't like Um but if they don't start putting in Some QE in 2024 2025 I think things Should be tight until the end of this Decade number two It scares me that they still won't Officially announce that we are in a Recession so if they're withholding that We are in a recession And bezosena and Elon is saying it And if Bezos is concerned with all those Billions of dollars that we have to Tighten our belts what are the real Numbers that we're facing

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