Have you been told to live below your means? 👇 #shorts
Primary reason people get in financial Trouble they want to be told what to do And naturally they'll tell them the same Old garbage the Susie Ormond rhetoric Got it live below your means invest in a Well-diversified portfolio a…
Could U.S. Pensions Be the Next Crash? – Robert Kiyosaki, Ted Siedle
– [Announcer] This is the "Rich Dad Radio Show", "The Good News and Bad News About Money." Here's Robert Kiyosaki. – Hello, hello, hello. Robert Kiyosaki, "The Rich Dad Radio Show", "The Good News and Bad News About Money". But…
Buy Gold and Silver Now
Buy Gold and Silver Now! Make sure to stick around till the very end of this video, because we will show you how You may be able to buy gold and silver now by rolling over your existing 401K or…
Silver Price to Explode?
So while rates keep going up the dollar Is going to keep getting stronger you Know silver and the dollar are basically Opposites so if the dollar goes up Silver goes down if the dollar goes down Silver goes up…
The Dollar Is Doomed – Saudi Arabia Wants To Join BRICS
Saudi Arabia has said enough they want To join brics the economic Powerhouse That could challenge the West now if This is true the US Dollars doomed and The end is coming the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia MBS spoke…
What has social media done for you? 🤔 choose your teachers wisely
Sasha finally says the reason the three Wise men were wise is he always sought The best teachers and that's what I say To people that they always consider the Source of your information think a like About YouTube as…
[Music] Keys I do have a question for you what Will stop Um Dallas from suffering the same fate As nfts Um I think just hacking in legal issues I think the value of downs is completely Different than nfts…