Is a Rolex a good investment I made a Comment in a video about wishing that I'd focused on gold instead of buying Things like watches in my earlier days And somebody pointed out that I might be Surprised by the current value of my Rolex explorer that a lot of people Actually do think of them as Investments So I looked at what I paid in 2004 I Gave just over three thousand dollars For the watch at a time where the same Amount would have bought me seven ounces Of gold today the Gold's worth about Fourteen thousand dollars and the watch Is worth about five or six a new Explorer runs 72.50 coincidentally a 31 Millimeter datejust today runs about the Same as seven ounces of gold again this Particular watch is a little bit fancier Than my Explorer but it's also meant for A fancier person I don't know if the Date just this time around will hold up To the price of gold but I have never Thought of a wristwatch as an investment But who knows Maybe I've been doing it wrong