7 Compelling Reasons to Invest in Gold Today! – Insights from Robert Kiyosaki

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Welcome to our blog post where we present to you seven compelling reasons why we believe investing in gold today is an excellent decision. In this article, we will be sharing insights from the renowned financial expert, Robert Kiyosaki, to shed light on the significance of gold as an investment avenue. Join us as we explore the various compelling aspects that make gold a valuable asset in today’s market. Discover why we think adding gold to your investment portfolio can provide stability, diversification, and potentially even wealth accumulation. Let’s dive in and uncover the compelling reasons to consider gold as part of your investment strategy.


Gold has long been considered a safe haven investment, and with the current economic uncertainties, it is becoming more desirable than ever. In this article, we will explore seven compelling reasons why investing in gold today is a wise decision. We will draw insights from renowned experts such as James Rickards, Rick Rule, Andy Schectman, David Garofalo, George Gammon, and Clay Clark, as well as the esteemed Robert Kiyosaki. So, fasten your seatbelts as we delve into the world of gold and the reasons why it should be a part of your investment portfolio.

1. A History of Gold Bull Markets

Throughout history, gold has experienced several bull markets, periods of significant price increases. James Rickards, a prominent economist, has studied these bull markets extensively and predicts that gold will reach $15,000 per ounce by 2025. This forecast is based on the historical patterns of gold’s price movements and the current economic climate. With such a strong track record, investing in gold presents a promising opportunity for substantial returns.

2. Financial Self-Defense

Rick Rule, a renowned investor, emphasizes the importance of taking control of our financial present and future. Investing in precious metals, such as gold, acts as a form of self-defense during uncertain economic times. Gold holds its value and has served as a trusted store of wealth for centuries. By including gold in our investment portfolio, we are ensuring that we have a safeguard against potential financial crises.

3. Global Economic Shift

Andy Schectman, a prominent figure in the precious metals industry, highlights the actions of major players like Russia, China, and India, who have actively increased their gold holdings. This trend raises concerns about a potential global economic shift. As these countries accumulate gold, it indicates their loss of confidence in traditional currencies. By following their lead and investing in gold, we can position ourselves to benefit from this potential economic transformation.

4. Supply and Demand Dynamics

David Garofalo, a respected mining executive, emphasizes the declining supply and inelasticity of supply to price as significant factors influencing the price action in gold. The supply of gold is limited, and as demand continues to rise, the price is likely to follow suit. With global uncertainties driving investors to seek safe haven assets, the attractiveness of gold as an investment grows stronger.

5. No Counterparty Risk

George Gammon, a successful entrepreneur, advises investing in assets with no counterparty risk during uncertain times. Gold, Bitcoin, and silver are examples of such assets. Unlike stocks or bonds that rely on the performance of a company or government, gold has intrinsic value. It is not subject to the risks associated with counterparties. By diversifying our investments with gold, we minimize dependence on external entities, thus safeguarding our wealth.

6. Economic Climate and the US Dollar Collapse

Clay Clark, a renowned entrepreneur and business coach, highlights the current economic climate and the potential collapse of the US dollar. As governments worldwide continue to print money and accumulate debt, the value of fiat currencies is increasingly at risk. Investing in precious metals, particularly gold, acts as a hedge against inflation and currency devaluation. By holding physical gold, we protect our wealth from the uncertainties of the financial system.

7. The Third Bull Market for Gold

Gold has experienced three bull markets in history: 1971-1980, 1999-2011, and from December 2015 onwards. It hit a bottom at $1,050 per ounce in December 2015, signaling the start of the current third bull market. With gold’s price steadily climbing since then, these upward movements provide an opportunity for significant returns. By investing in gold now, we position ourselves to ride the wave of this bull market and reap the rewards.


In conclusion, investing in gold today offers numerous compelling reasons to diversify our investment portfolios. Insights from industry experts such as James Rickards, Rick Rule, Andy Schectman, David Garofalo, George Gammon, and Clay Clark provide a solid foundation for understanding the benefits of gold investment. From historical patterns to global economic shifts, gold’s value as a safe haven asset becomes evident. As uncertainties loom over the financial landscape, gold stands out as a reliable store of wealth and a potential source of substantial returns.

FAQs After The Conclusion

  1. Is investing in gold risky?

    • While no investment is entirely without risk, gold has historically been seen as a relatively safe haven asset. Its value tends to hold steady during economic downturns, making it a popular choice for risk-averse investors.
  2. Can I invest in gold through my retirement account?

    • Yes, it is possible to invest in gold through retirement accounts such as an Individual Retirement Account (IRA). There are specific guidelines and regulations to follow, so it is advisable to consult with a financial advisor to explore this option.
  3. Is now a good time to invest in gold?

    • Given the current economic uncertainties and the predictions of industry experts, many consider it a favorable time to invest in gold. However, each individual’s financial situation and risk tolerance should be taken into consideration before making any investment decisions.
  4. How do I purchase physical gold?

    • Physical gold can be purchased through reputable dealers or online platforms that specialize in precious metals. It is essential to do thorough research and ensure the authenticity of the gold before making a purchase.
  5. Are there any tax implications when investing in gold?

    • Tax laws vary depending on the country and jurisdiction. It is crucial to consult with a tax advisor to understand the specific tax implications of investing in gold based on your location.

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