So what we're looking at here is a tube Of 21 ounce gold coins and a tube of 21 Ounce silver coins they look pretty Similar so far but what's the difference In value well with the spot price of Gold at two thousand dollars this tube Of 21 ounce gold coins these are Buffaloes Are worth about forty thousand dollars And that doesn't include any premium That you would pay to buy them which Would be about six or seven percent or Any premium that you might expect to get Back in a sale to a dealer that'd be More like two percent a similar tube of 21 ounce silver coins is worth about Five hundred dollars again going off a Spot which is 25 right now the gold Coins are gonna look a little bit Smaller because gold is the denser metal But the weight is the same these two Stacks have the same 20 ounces in it Gold just happens to be worth 80 times As much now the premiums on Silver that Might surprise it these American silver Eagles have a premium of around 50 Percent now you can find cheaper silver But however you go you're going to need To spend more lift more and store more To get that same forty thousand dollars
$40,000 in Gold vs $500 in Silver