Why Savers are at a Loss in this Economy: Uncovering the 3 Key Reasons by Alexandra Gonzalez-Ganoza

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Welcome to my blog post titled “Why Savers are at a Loss in this Economy: Uncovering the 3 Key Reasons” by Alexandra Gonzalez-Ganoza. In this article, we will delve into the challenges that savers face in today’s economic climate and discover the three main factors that contribute to their predicament. Join me as we explore the pressing issues that affect savers and gain valuable insights into navigating their financial journey in this ever-changing world. Get ready to uncover the truth behind this critical topic and equip yourself with the knowledge to make informed decisions. Let’s dive in!

Why Savers are at a Loss in this Economy: Uncovering the 3 Key Reasons


In today’s economy, savers are facing significant challenges and experiencing a loss in their financial endeavors. This article aims to shed light on the three key reasons why savers are at a disadvantage in the current economic landscape. From the shift in the concept of money to the diminishing value of the US dollar, this article will explore the factors contributing to this predicament. Moreover, it emphasizes the importance of financial education for millennials and Gen Z, who need to be well-equipped to navigate these challenges.

President Nixon’s Dollar Transformation: From Money to Currency

Back in 1971, President Richard Nixon made a significant decision that forever altered the nature of the US dollar. He detached it from the gold standard, effectively transforming it from money to currency. Prior to this decision, the US dollar was backed by gold reserves. However, by severing this link, the US government gained the power to create money out of thin air.

The Rise of Quantitative Easing: Creating Money out of Thin Air

Since the detachment of the US dollar from the gold standard, the government has been creating money through a process commonly known as quantitative easing. This practice involves the purchase of government bonds and other financial assets by central banks, leading to an expansion of the money supply. While this approach may have been intended as a means to stimulate the economy, it has had unintended consequences.

Financial Education for Millennials and Gen Z

With the evolving financial landscape, it is crucial for millennials and Gen Z to have a solid foundation in financial education. They must understand the implications of the decisions made by governments and central banks and be equipped with the knowledge to protect and grow their wealth. By learning about investment strategies, understanding the risks involved, and acquiring financial literacy, these generations can secure a better financial future for themselves.

Savers Losing Out in this Economy

One of the reasons savers are at a loss in this economy is the diminishing value of the US dollar. The detachment from the gold standard and the subsequent creation of money through quantitative easing has eroded the purchasing power of the dollar over time. What was once considered a reliable store of value has now become a source of concern for many individuals.

Another factor contributing to savers’ loss is the prevailing belief that “cash is trash.” As the US dollar has lost its value, alternative assets such as gold, real estate, and cryptocurrencies have gained traction as a means of preserving wealth. This shift in perception leaves savers in a predicament, as they struggle to find safe and reliable avenues to protect their savings.

Taking Responsibility for Financial Decisions

While external factors such as government policies and economic trends play a significant role, it is essential for individuals to take responsibility for their financial decisions. By actively seeking financial education and staying informed about market trends, individuals can make informed choices that align with their financial goals. Relying solely on traditional savings accounts may no longer suffice in an economy where cash loses value.

The Impact of Taxation on Savings

In addition to the diminished value of the US dollar, savers also face the burden of taxation on their savings. Unlike investments, savings do not contribute to economic growth or job creation. As a result, governments often impose taxes on savings in an effort to encourage spending and investment. This further erodes the potential returns for savers, making it even more challenging for them to grow their wealth.


To conclude, savers find themselves at a loss in this economy due to several key reasons. The detachment of the US dollar from the gold standard and the subsequent creation of money through quantitative easing have diminished the value of savings. Moreover, the prevailing belief that cash is no longer a reliable store of value has led savers to explore alternative assets. However, by prioritizing financial education, individuals can equip themselves with the knowledge and tools necessary to navigate these challenges and secure their financial future.


  1. How has President Nixon’s decision impacted the value of the US dollar?
  2. What is quantitative easing, and how does it affect savers?
  3. Why is financial education crucial for millennials and Gen Z?
  4. Why is cash no longer considered a reliable store of value?
  5. What role does taxation play in diminishing the returns for savers?

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