WHAT WILL BE THE BEST PERFORMING STOCK OF 2023 – Market Mondays w/ Ian Dunlap

Forex GOLD Investor

What do you think will be the best Performing stock this year if the Economy stays down I'm going to lean on One of my babies Microsoft and not Because historically I love it and I Love the CEO but I think we'll have a Bounce in the market and I truly believe That Microsoft is going to get into that Cyber security space if you go look at Some of the Acquisitions that they've Made and the team that they're building I think for the first time in maybe 15 Years most corporations are saying hey We have to build some real businesses It's not just Software scale and throw something out And hope that it works like slack or any Comparable companies I think they're Going to push heavy into that cyber Security space and then as a result I Think they'll have one of the best years That they've had in a while

Forex GOLD Investor

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