The most effective method that you've Seen in your research over so many years Now is it's to to accumulate wealth is It stocks is it bonds is it treasury Notes is it business you can you tell me Where do you see very well Very well yeah yeah well that I can take That in a lot of ways a Mary rich or B Just stay married and don't get divorced Because it's costly and both have a Spouse it's on the same page as you in Terms of it is good to build the future In fact uh oh gosh before The Millionaire Next Door came out it was in The early 90s I remember a study by the Rand think tank that talked about that Very thing being married Um is one of the keys to wealth building Because you tend to ha because you tend To have especially if you're on the same Page and you're compatible you have a Future that you're trying to build Together and that building means Sacrifice build a foundation enjoy the Rewards in the future
What Bill Danko Means By “Marry Well” – Retire Sooner Clip