Thailand’s Bid to Join BRICS Confirms Asia’s Move Towards De-Dollarization

Forex GOLD Investor

We are excited to discuss Thailand’s recent bid to join BRICS, a move that signals Asia’s significant shift towards de-dollarization.

Thailand’s Bid to Join BRICS Confirms Asia’s Move Towards De-Dollarization


Well, howdy there, folks! Today, we’re diving into the fascinating world of Thailand’s bid to join BRICS and what it means for the global economic landscape. So grab a cup of coffee, sit back, and let’s explore this exciting development together.

Thailand’s Economic Ambitions

Folks, let’s talk turkey – Thailand is shaking things up by throwing its hat in the ring to join BRICS. Now, you might be scratching your head wondering what BRICS is all about. Well, let me spill the beans. BRICS stands for Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa – a formidable group of emerging economies that are making waves on the world stage.

Significance of Joining BRICS

Now, why is Thailand hot under the collar to join this elite club? It’s simple – by hitching its wagon to BRICS, Thailand aims to boost its economy and kick-start de-dollarization. This move signals a seismic shift away from the traditional Western-centric economic order towards the burgeoning power of Asia.

Leveraging Local Currencies for Trade

One of the key perks of joining BRICS is the ability for Thailand to flex its muscles by utilizing local currencies for trade. ASEAN countries are already hopping on the bandwagon of local currency trade to bolster their economies, and Thailand wants in on the action.

The China Factor

China, the big kahuna of the BRICS gang, is throwing its weight behind Thailand with significant investments and trade partnerships. This partnership paves the way for Thailand to access Chinese currencies for global trade, cutting ties with the US dollar and reducing dependence on Western financial systems.

Self-Sufficiency in Energy Needs

What’s the scoop on BRICS countries’ self-sufficiency in energy needs? Well, folks, this is a game-changer. By reducing reliance on Western energy sources, BRICS nations are paving the way for a more resilient and diversified economic landscape.

Now, let’s tackle a few FAQs:

  1. Why is Thailand’s bid to join BRICS significant for its economy?
  2. How will joining BRICS help Thailand in de-dollarization efforts?
  3. What role does China play in Thailand’s move towards BRICS?
  4. How can Thailand benefit from using local currencies for trade within the BRICS bloc?
  5. What are the implications of Thailand’s potential inclusion in BRICS for the Western-dominated economic order?


Alrighty, folks, we’ve covered quite the rodeo today exploring Thailand’s bid to join BRICS. This move not only underscores Asia’s push towards de-dollarization but also sets the stage for a more balanced and diversified global economic landscape. So, keep your eyes peeled for more updates on this thrilling saga!


  1. Why is Thailand’s bid to join BRICS significant for its economy?
  2. How will joining BRICS help Thailand in de-dollarization efforts?
  3. What role does China play in Thailand’s move towards BRICS?
  4. How can Thailand benefit from using local currencies for trade within the BRICS bloc?
  5. What are the implications of Thailand’s potential inclusion in BRICS for the Western-dominated economic order?
Forex GOLD Investor

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